
7 ways to deal with constant procrastination

Sometimes what we want to do and what we need to do are two different things. And because of this fact, we feel guilty. Procrastination is a state of conscious permanent postponement, to which a person is already accustomed, of the most important tasks for later.

You have to fulfill an important assignment from your boss, but you really want to drink a cup of coffee and see what’s new on social networks.

It is necessary to arrange your belongings in the wardrobe and throw away the unnecessary, but at the same time you want to rest, so your whole week passes in procrastination.

When we procrastinate too much, we fail to complete our last minute tasks. As a result, we get stressed because we don’t have enough time at all.

And separately, we begin to feel guilt and anger towards ourselves, our overall self-esteem decreases and we lose a lot of faith in our own abilities.

To stop procrastinating, it is necessary to somehow overcome our old habits and acquire new ones.

1. Make a to-do list

You don’t have to plan mentally, write this to-do list in a notebook or in a journal, you can use or electronic file for this purpose. Often the very process of writing down the tasks helps to focus on them more easily.

Prioritize yourself – what needs to be done immediately? Estimate how long each task will take you and plan your day around that.

You shouldn’t overload your daily schedule too much, leave some room for unexpected accidents and emergencies.

2. Break your tasks into smaller ones

“Break” larger tasks into smaller ones. Plan and execute the first point, even if it is small and insignificant. And so draw point by point.

3. Set a deadline for completion

Set a deadline for completing the task. Work in short bursts of time instead of longer. After completing each part of the task, rest.

4. Tell someone else about the task

Sometimes a person needs an outside push to force themselves to do something. We procrastinate much less when we know someone is watching over our task. For example, if we tell our husband or wife or someone close to us that we are going to do something, then we are more motivated to finish the job.

5. Visualize

Create a clear picture in your mind of the completed task and how you will feel when you have completed it. Focus on the outcome, not the process. Feel the weight of responsibility disappear when you’ve done it all.

6. Get rid of all possible distractions

Turn off the TV, phone and anything that can distract you from the task at hand. Create a peaceful environment where there will be no distractions.

7. Be realistic

The pursuit of perfection and the desire for comprehensive development along a certain path – this is one of the main reasons for procrastination. If you wait for the moment when you will do everything perfectly, you will never do anything. No one is perfect, just trying is enough.

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