

Epidermophytia, also called dermatomycosis, is a disease caused by the fungus epidermophyton. The disease is contagious and is transmitted exclusively through contact.

A person can get sick after direct contact with a sick person or as a result of using their towels, clothes or other personal belongings.

The disease affects the nails and all skin folds.

It is often located in the armpit area, under the folds of the chest or abdomen, sometimes in the groin or in the folds of the arms and legs.

In men, the disease often appears in the groin area, and in women in the armpits or under the breasts.

There are several varieties of the disease, which are caused by different species of epidermophytons.

The first variety affects the toenails. Its causative agent is Tr. mentagrophytes Var. Interdigitale is localized in the stratum corneum and granular layer of the epidermis.

And sometimes it also penetrates into the spinous or spinous layer of the skin, it has highly pronounced allergenic properties.

Method of infection – walking barefoot, especially in saunas and baths, using someone else’s shoes, washing feet in someone else’s basin, etc.

People suffering from varicose veins of the legs, as well as those who sweat more, are more prone to the disease. The disease usually starts in the space between the fingers.

The second variety is localized in the groin and the way of acquiring it is through sexual contact and through the use of foreign objects.

Its cause is Epidermophyton floccosum, affecting the stratum corneum of the skin.

Rubrophytia affects the nostrils, skin folds, face, buttocks and limbs. It is transmitted like the first variety of the disease, but it is much more contagious.

Diagnosis and treatment of epidermophytia

During the examination, the doctor must familiarize himself with the history in order to find out whether the patient has contact with a sick person or with his belongings.

Subsequently, a physical examination is performed and skin swabs are taken. The doctor then prescribes treatment.

Usually, the dermatologist recommends washing the affected area with warm soapy water several times a day, and after smearing it with an ointment containing clotrimazole.

It is important to remember that with this disease, the ointment is usually applied 3-4 times a day, and sometimes more often.

Usually on the 3rd day the itching subsides, and subsequently the main symptoms also disappear.

But the treatment should definitely not be interrupted, since untreated epidermophytia usually returns very quickly.

In such a case, it is much more difficult to treat. When the prescribed therapy is constantly not completed, then with each subsequent time the disease becomes less sensitive to the applied treatment.

And it can last for years, alternating with periods of partial resolution of symptoms followed by exacerbations.


As a factor increasing the risk of the disease, is increased sweating, it should be limited. It is not necessary to expect the appearance of red spots or itching.

It is necessary to use only own bed linen, towels, underwear, etc. They should also be washed in very hot or boiling water.

If a person has contact with a sick person, he should consult a dermatologist.

The patient should be provided with his own bedrooms and toiletries and his direct contact with other people, especially other children, should be limited.

It is necessary to stop sexual relations until complete healing.

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