
3 questions men ask themselves most often about women

Today we are going to tell you about some very interesting things from the everyday relationships between the two sexes, about which there have always been a number of questions, why do they happen like this or what is the point?

Like everyone, you’ve probably wondered what your partner wants from you, or you’ve just noticed that they’re behaving strangely and yet harboring something that doesn’t want to share.

We’ve broken down the most common questions and statuses guys ask themselves when it comes to girls.

  1. Why not just say it?

It happens very often that men and women fight, but the very act of scandal< /strong> is not as important as its residual effects.

Women have a habit of not saying what’s bothering them, and of walking away until the situation gets really out of control and one of the two partners loses their temper.

Then, as a result, there are often arguments and anger, and it is also the common reason why couples separate so suddenly.

It’s just the way nature works that it’s quite normal for women to react passively-aggressively, while men do everything they can to find out what the problem is and yet in the end one of the two gets upset and lets out his emotions.

  1. Does he like me?

Unbelievable as it may sound, some scientists claim that men are more emotional > against women.

And when you think about it, it actually turns out that the scientists are right to a certain extent, because the fact that men don’t constantly complain, cry, or show any emotion is definitely not means that they don’t care about everything and nothing affects them subconsciously.

Men are often worried about whether the girl or woman they liked in question will appreciate them for who they really are, laugh at them, make fun of them, or just reject them.


That’s why they so often take on the image of a “bad boy” who doesn’t care about anyone and doesn’t care about everything.

All this is just to hide their tender nature. And let us, when we say gentle, not mean homosexual, but simply gentle, because men can be very kind and good too, just like a child can.

This is why men so often play games to hide themselves or stand behind images that would hide their true nature.

  1. Why they want to introduce the lady to their friends

It is also a very common practice for men when they have started a relationship, recently to introduce their a girl with their whole world generally speaking.

It initially starts over coffee with his best friend. This is a must always and is one of the most classic signs that he cares about you.

Just think about why he wants to show you his world from the inside, to introduce you to his mother (in general, the mother is the most important person for a man, and when a man introduces a woman to his mother, it is considered is a good sign because it’s kind of a man showing off his dearest) or why does he want you to know where his best friend lives?

Because he cares about you, because he wants to be with you, and because he wants to spend time with you.

So, although boring, some of these activities are very important for a man, and in no case do not refuse him, because he will think that something has gone wrong!

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