
5 foods high in sugars

According to the World Health Organization, the recommended daily intake of sugar for adults is about 25 grams, which is equal to six teaspoons.

Many people think that the bad sugars they consume are only found in candy, chocolate and other sugary products. But there are foods that you don’t suspect contain a large amount of the substance harmful to your health.

Here are 5 foods with a high amount of sugars that you don’t even know about:

1. Yogurt

When it comes to sugar, yogurt contains a large amount. Some types contain more sugar than even chocolate desserts, and also have a high amount of fat and flavoring ingredients. A bucket of yogurt can contain up to 29 grams of sugar.

This does not mean that you should necessarily avoid this product from your diet. When shopping, look for low-fat yogurt with fewer flavored ingredients.

“Look for brands with no more than 20 grams of sugar in the bucket,” says Joy Bauer, NBC diet expert and founder of Nourishing Snacks. “Or buy plain yogurt and mix it with freshly cut fruit,” he adds.

It is also good to add a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup to control the amount of added sweeteners in the milk.

2. Muesli

Mixing muesli with yogurt can actually increase the amount of sugar you will be consuming. Half a cup can cost you more than 12 grams of sugar.

Unflavored muesli is a better option, but not enough because it contains about 6 grams. Nuts rich in protein, such as almonds, are a good substitute for muesli.

3. Sports drinks and fruit

Think carefully before rehydrating with a sports drink after a grueling workout. According to Harvard University, just one drink can contain as much as 5 tablespoons of sugars.

Orange juice is an even worse option, containing 10 teaspoons, the same as a bottle of soft drink. Quench your thirst with water after a workout instead of taking in that much sugar.

4. Salad

Salad itself can be very good for you as it is rich in many vitamins thanks to the different types of vegetables. But the dressing you use adds a lot of unhealthy sugars.

Apparently, if you use a low-fat dressing, it’s not a particularly good option, because it adds a lot of sugar to replace the fat. It is best to use Italian dressing, which contains only 2 grams.

5. Ketchup

Even if the food is healthy, adding a little ketchup is actually not as harmless as you think. Just one tablespoon of ketchup contains one teaspoon of sugar. That’s one-sixth of the recommended daily amount.

Everything recommended above does not mean that you should not consume any foods with sugar content. No need to panic. You can still indulge in sweet treats that contain natural (and a small amount of added) sugars.

“It is recommended that you read the labels of the foods you buy and pay attention to the amount of sugar they contain,” said Julie Upton.

She also recommends avoiding processed and artificially flavored foods. The key is to limit the amount of sugar you eat. Avoid consuming foods high in sweeteners.

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