
5 health facts about music

Fact #1

About blood pressure and Mozart

Physicians in Ancient Greece used music for relaxation, to improve the quality of sleep and to relieve painful sensations. American Indians, representatives of African tribes performed healing rituals that were accompanied by chants.

It turned out that this was not devoid of meaning. In an experiment conducted at Central Massachusetts Hospital /USA/, it was found that patients in cardiology wards who listened to music for 30 minutes had better vital signs than those who spent their days in silence.

People who had undergone coronary bypass surgery and/or arterial valve replacement and listened to music on the first day after the intervention also had higher levels of the hormone oxytocin in their blood and experienced less stress.


The results of this experiment are published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing.

But not all music is useful. A study that was discussed at the meetings of the American Society for the Study of Hypertension in 2012 confirmed the direct relationship between music genres and blood pressure indicators of people with 1st degree of arterial hypertension.

The scientists measured the blood pressure of the participants in the study to the accompaniment of different compositions and found that in people listening to Mozart, it decreased, and in those who listened to Bicycle Race by Queen, it increased.

A group of German scientists came to a similar conclusion – some classical melodies and music for meditation generally and generally have a beneficial effect on the heart rhythm, while techno, rock or heavy metal tracks can cause life-threatening arrhythmia.

Based on these data, scientists even came up with a proposal to replace the sedative midazol with classical music when preparing patients for surgical intervention.

At the same time, not only music affects the cardiovascular system, but also the state of the circulatory system affects a person’s musical preferences. The older people get, the calmer tunes they like.

This is explained by a person’s desire to listen to music with a rhythm that coincides with the frequency of the pulse, which, as is known, slows down with advancing years.

Fact #2

About the brain and favorite music

2 studies presented at the Neuroscience 2013 scientific forum showed that learning to play musical instruments in early childhood helps for the development of areas in the brain responsible for language learning.

In addition, these habits affect the ability of the nervous system to process information coming from several sensory organs simultaneously.

Fact #3

About pain and native music

Whether music can relieve painful sensations is a controversial issue. For example, that listening to musical works alleviates the condition of cancer patients has not been proven.

Also, it has not been confirmed that musical accompaniment alleviates the condition of patients during angiography.

But when analyzing the intensity of painful sensations during dental procedures in children aged 8 months to 20 years, it was found that they tolerate the visit to the dentist much more easily with musical accompaniment.

Fact #4

About indulgence and the piano

Consumption of food accompanied by music leads to overeating, according to the results of a study by scientists from Georgia State University, USA.< /p>

Fact #5

About Percussion and Behavior

Music affects not only a person’s inner world, but also how they interact with others. For example, music therapy helped to improve the behavior of children from poor families, who periodically, within the framework of the experiment, had to play percussion instruments.

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