
5 ways to control tantrums

You are not the Hulk or even an Angry Bird, so learning to control your anger is extremely necessary. But how do you make sure that the next time someone tries to derail you, they won’t succeed.

Try to develop a habit of mentally meditating

Many psychologists advise in a moment of anger to mentally withdraw from the situation. Learn to get out of reality, as Doctor Cox did from the unknown TV series in Bulgaria “Clinic”.

If he didn’t like a certain conversation, the sounds of the sea waves and the singing of the seagulls immediately turned on in his mind. This technique will not only protect you from unnecessarily swearing at your boss, someone you know, or the conductor, but it will also save you all the stress associated with it.

Also, the absence of any reaction on your part will help you reduce the conflict to zero. The dispute is possible only when at least 2 people participate in it.

Recognize the signs

Learn to catch the moment when latent resentment begins to slowly grow into anger. This process is usually accompanied by an increased heart rate, a lump rising to the throat, a trembling voice, buckling of the knees and tremors in the hands.

Once you are aware of these enemies of peace, consider half the job done. Then act according to the circumstances.

If you have a strong enough will, then try to pick yourself up, mentally count to 10, as is customary, and watch every word you say. If your anger is so strong that you cannot control your speech, then there is only one option – to avoid continuing the conversation at all costs.

You can suddenly end communication under the pretext of an urgent phone call or some other kind of stupidity, or you can just run away as if you were at the scene of a crime.

Just remember that this all looks very strange and you will still have to explain your behavior later. On the other hand, during this time you will already calm down, think of an answer and not say anything that could be called nonsense.

Remember you have a choice

Remember there is always an alternative to conflict. A person can get out of any uncomfortable situation in hundreds of ways that do not necessarily lead to conflict.

For example, if it pisses you off that someone is listening to loud music on public transport, then instead of angrily hissing at the intruder, you can also put on your headphones and play those songs that you like or if you don’t have such an opportunity you can move to another part of the bus where the music is not so loud and will not annoy you.

Write it down

If anger has become a regular part of your life, it is very important to find its root cause.

Make it a habit to write down everything that throws you off balance in a notebook or on a file on your computer, also note how you felt during the period of anger and what you felt like doing at such times.

Do not forget about meditation techniques

It is necessary to know that for a person to be calm and difficult to get out of balance, he must breathe correctly. Each inhalation should last 7 seconds, and exhalation 11.

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