
6 Things Your Mother Never Told You

Pregnancy. Plain as day, two blue lines appear on the pregnancy test you purchased. For greater security, check twice.

One dash – you are not pregnant. Two dashes – you are pregnant.

Usually, when you find out you’re carrying life, you’re nervous, excited, scared, and shivering in anticipation. This is finally happening to you. After a long period of preparation and anticipation, it will finally hit you. You are going to be a mother!

During these nine months you will learn to value motherhood and take it seriously. You will gain a new insight into parental relationships.

You will remember how your mother treated you in your childhood. What she told you, how she brought you up, how she advised you. But there are certainly things your mother didn’t tell you and you will go through them with your child too.

That’s who they are.

1. You made her cry

You made her cry a lot. Your mother cried when she found out she was pregnant. She cried while giving birth to you. She cried when she saw you for the first time and when you took your first step.

She was constantly worried, afraid and worried because of you. She shares her pain and happiness with you, whether you realize it or not.

2. Your mother deprived herself for you

Your mother wanted the last piece of the pie. But when she saw you looking at her with your big eyes, licking your lips, she got rid of it and left the piece for you.

Your mother feels happier when you are happy and often neglects herself in front of you.

3. She was in pain because of you

Your mother has in pain many times because of you. First the nine months of kicking her in the stomach, then when you pulled her hair or her earrings, when you bit her.

She has gotten over all the pain you caused her and still loves and cares for you.

4. She was always afraid for you

Your mother always was afraid that something bad would happen to you. From the moment you were conceived, she does everything in her power to protect you.

Her heart skipped a beat when you took your first steps. She stays up late to make sure you get home and are safe or gets up early to send you off to school.

Your mother was always willing to give anything for you, regardless of the hardships she had to endure or the risks she had to take.

5. Your mother wants to be perfect

Your mother knows that she is not perfect and often criticizes herself. Your mother knows all her faults and sometimes hates herself for them.

But she wants to be the best mother and tries not to make any mistakes, although like everyone she makes them too.

Most likely he is still trying to forgive them and wishes with all his heart to go back in time and fix them. Know that your mother tried to do the best for you all the time.

6. Your mom always puts you first

Your mom is willing to deprive herself of food, a shower, or sleep because she always puts your needs first.

He often spends his entire day attending to your needs. By the end, she’ll be completely exhausted, but the next day she’ll wake up and do it all over again because you mean so much to her.

In conclusion, you should appreciate what your mother went through to protect you and the hardships she endured to make you feel better.

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