
A cough

What is a cough?

A cough is a natural and vital reflex that helps the body deal with external and internal irritants. It is not only a movement of the muscles, but also a complex process that involves different systems in the body.

When we inhale air, it passes through the nose and mouth, then through the throat and airways, reaching the lungs.

In this way, the air can carry with it various particles, including dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses. These particles can irritate the cells that line the airways and cause coughing.

When cells in the airways become irritated, they send signals to the brain. The brain, in turn, responds by sending signals to the respiratory muscles, which contract and cause coughing.

This process is fast and often happens automatically without us consciously realizing that we need to cough.

Although coughing can be annoying and even painful, it is important for maintaining the health of the respiratory system.

It helps the body get rid of unwanted particles and microorganisms that can cause harm.

When the airways are irritated by these substances, they send signals to the brain. These signals trigger a reflex that causes muscles in the throat and chest to contract, causing coughing.

This process helps the body flush out foreign agents before they reach the lungs where they can cause serious illness.

Although coughing is important to protect the respiratory system, a chronic cough can be a sign of a serious illness.

A chronic cough that lasts more than a few weeks should be addressed by a medical professional.

It can be a sign of various diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or even lung cancer.

A cough is not only an annoying symptom, but also a vital defense mechanism of the body. It helps the body to get rid of potentially harmful substances and maintain the health of the respiratory system.

However, it is important to pay attention to a prolonged or chronic cough, as it can be a sign of a serious illness.

In such cases, it is important to consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

However, when the cough becomes persistent or particularly painful, it is important to seek medical attention.

A chronic cough can be a sign of a serious illness and should be addressed by a specialist. We should not underestimate the importance of cough as a symptom and as a body defense mechanism.

What are the symptoms of a cough?

An important factor in determining the symptoms of a cough is to determine whether it is acute or chronic.

An acute cough, in turn, is divided into one that has an infectious or non-infectious cause.

The symptoms that speak of an infectious origin of the cough are:

  • High temperature and chills;
  • Body and throat pains;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Headache and inflammation of the sinuses;
  • Crunchy nose, night sweats and postnasal discharge.

Sputum is sometimes a sign of infection, but wet cough is also observed when the causative agent is of non-infectious origin.

The signs and symptoms that point us to a non-infectious cause are when the cough occurs when a person is exposed to certain chemicals or several substances that are prevalent in the environment.

According to the symptoms of chronic cough, it is often difficult for doctors to determine what is the specific cause of this condition, since many of the causes of chronic cough overlap.

Treatment of cough

Treatment of cough in most cases is aimed at treating the cause that causes it.

If you have a severe cough and you haven’t seen a doctor, you can try to treat it with the same treatment you would normally give to a common cold.

As we know, colds go away by themselves, and therefore in this case, anti-cold medicines will also be effective against coughs.

Sometimes acute cough is caused by allergies that manifest themselves when exposed to the allergen, it is possible that some medicine or a certain plant, and the treatment that is prescribed is to eliminate the cause of the allergy – stop taking the medicine or avoid of close contact with the plant causing the allergy.

In chronic cough, when its cause is not clear, initially the treatment begins with the discovery of its main cause. As such, it should be done in close collaboration with a medical professional.

Although not all chronic coughs can be completely eliminated, most people can find relief by carefully following their doctor’s recommendations.

The best thing you can do when you develop a cough of any nature is to discuss with your doctor what is the most appropriate treatment in your case.

An acute cough usually goes away on its own and no further consultation with a doctor is necessary.

In many cases of chronic cough, however, it takes weeks and sometimes months of treatment for any improvement to occur, even if the patient is under periodic medical supervision.

When a cough does not respond to standard treatment procedures, it may be necessary for your GP to refer you to a specialist to prescribe a specific treatment.

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