
Allergic arthritis

Allergic arthritis is one of the types of joint inflammation, which occurs as a result of a reaction of the immune system to allergens entering the body.

The most common cause of this disease are proteins that are included in the medicinal preparations produced by extraction from organisms of animal origin.

Allergic arthritis may develop against the background of other manifestations affecting other organs and systems of the body.

But, if this disease is detected in time and its treatment is started, it is very easily cured and the pathological changes in the joints are stopped.

What are the symptoms

This form of arthritis manifests itself in the early stages of its development extremely acutely. This disease is characterized by swelling and pain in the joints. Most often they affect no less than 2 joints at the same time, but it is possible that the pathological process is more widespread.

Practically 50% of the joints become inflamed in an acute form of serum sickness, also known as serum allergy.

Depending on the amount of allergen that enters the body, symptoms of allergic arthritis may also occur. This can happen from a few hours after the penetration of foreign proteins to 15-20 days.

This form of arthritis can appear through a limp, which occurs as a result of the painful sensations that a person experiences. In addition, despite the fact that the joints are usually affected in a symmetrical sequence, the intensity of the pain can be different in the joints of each of the limbs.

What other manifestations are allergic arthritis characterized by?

Extremely varied symptoms are typical, which is usually called serum sickness. Allergic arthritis can manifest itself in affecting the surface of the skin around the eyes – a rash appears, sometimes looking like eczema, and sometimes like hives, with a characteristic itching sensation.

And in such cases, without additional research and skin samples, establishing the exact diagnosis is practically impossible. It also happens that this form of arthritis affects the respiratory tract, and then its symptoms are rhinitis, frequent sneezing, increased secretion of mucus, burning in the nasal mucosa.

Symptoms of eye involvement in allergic arthritis are manifested by conjunctivitis, blepharitis, which are characterized by abundant tearing, acute eye reaction to light, redness of the eyelids, itching around the eyes.

Bronchospasm can also develop in an allergic form of arthritis. In this case, a sharp narrowing of the bronchi is observed, it becomes difficult to breathe, as it reduces the volume of the lumen of the respiratory tract.


To prevent this form of arthritis, it is necessary to use biological preparations, during the production of which high-quality removal of protein allergens of animal origin was carried out.

And to prevent acute relapses of serum sickness, it is necessary to exclude the use of serums during the application of any therapies.

Treatment of allergic arthritis

The main goal of the therapeutic methods applicable to this form of arthritis is the complete removal of symptoms and reduction of the body’s hypersensitivity to protein serum allergens.

In the beginning, to control the manifestations of the disease, antihistamine preparations such as Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Pipolfen, etc. are used.

In case of strong painful sensations, epinephrine /adrenaline/, corticosteroids and preparations that contribute to the recovery of dysfunctions in the body are prescribed.

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