
And healthy foods can be dangerous

Nutritionists very often find it difficult to determine which foods are harmful and which are beneficial.

The black list also includes those whose useful properties have long been recognized by experts.

To keep damage to a minimum, the most important thing is that they have a good appearance and the correct dosage is observed.


Pros: Fish is an indispensable product for good health, says Svetlana Derbenyova, candidate of medical sciences and leading researcher at the National Institute of Nutrition of Russia.

Regular consumption of fish prevents the development of atherosclerosis and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the brain, heart and blood vessels.

Cons: In marine fish – especially predatory fish that feed on other fish, elevated levels of mercury are observed, says Alexander Myasnikov, MD in the United States. Research shows that the highest amount of mercury is found in tuna and salmon.

That is why in the US, for example, pregnant women are not recommended to eat these types of fish more often than twice a week.


Pluses: Oatmeal is deservedly considered a symbol of beauty and health, says Anna Stenko, doctor of medical sciences and head of the department at the Institute of Beauty in Arbat .

In her words, oatmeal is rich in beta-glucan, which contributes to the reduction of bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Porridge also contains a lot of vegetable fiber, necessary for good digestion, as well as vitamins that improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Cons: Only whole grain oatmeal is useful. All other options are rife with added sugar and additives such as flavorings, thickeners and stabilizers. They make an otherwise healthy oatmeal nutritionally equivalent to candy or pasta.

Green tea

Pros: Green tea is rightly considered the elixir of youth, says Igor Sokolsky, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences and specialist in phytochemistry.

The minimal processing of the tea leaves allows their beneficial properties to be preserved almost entirely. Thanks to the high content of vitamins and trace elements, green tea improves digestion, slows down aging processes, has antimicrobial properties.

Green tea is also a salvation in the heat, as it restores the trace elements that the body loses along with sweat.

Cons Green tea contains a lot of provitamin K, says Sergei Priadko, doctor of medical sciences and head of the department of venous pathology and microvascular surgery at the Institute of Coronary and Vascular Surgery in Russia.

This provitamin stimulates the development of venous thrombosis. Therefore, in large quantities – over 3 cups per day, green tea is not recommended for people with varicose and varicose veins and is absolutely contraindicated for patients with venous thrombosis.

Pomegranate juice

Pros: Pomegranate juice is called a vitamin bomb for a reason, explains Igor Sokolsky. The pronounced diuretic effect allows the juice to replace drugs in the initial form of hypertension and diseases accompanied by edema.

The juice can also be used as an anti-inflammatory agent for a red throat, angina and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Cons: Due to its high concentration of acids, pomegranate juice is not recommended for patients with diseases of the digestive tract such as gastritis and ulcers. The organic acids contained in the juice may cause unpleasant or painful sensations in people with dental caries or ulcers on the delicate mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

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