
Asperger’s syndrome


Asperger syndrome is a developmental disorder that makes it difficult for the child to interact with other people. The condition is also referred to as the little professor syndrome because most children are average or more intelligent than others.

But what is characteristic of the syndrome is that severely affected people create real friendships because, unlike autistics, they have no problems communicating with other people. But in most cases they are obsessed with their interests and talk only about them, and this makes their behavior somewhat awkward.

Children with this syndrome exhibit some of the signs of autism. For example, they have difficulty learning how to behave with other people, they prefer routine rather than change. But unlike autistics, children with the syndrome usually start talking before the age of 2, as it is characteristic of them that at that time they have not yet started to walk.

Little Professor Syndrome is a chronic developmental disorder, but most children respond positively to treatment. And as adults, most learn to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and can build on and develop their social skills.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of the syndrome are noticed at 3 years of age or later. But the manifestations of the developmental disorder are individual for each child. Children with this syndrome:

It is very difficult for them to spend time with other children. But that doesn’t mean they avoid social contact. But they don’t have instincts and skills that allow them to express their thoughts and feelings and to notice the feelings of others.
They create their own routine – for example, they like to do the same thing everyone day and changes as difficult for them.
They cannot recognize verbal and non-verbal signals or they have difficulty learning the norms of behavior among people. For example, they may stare at other people but cannot make eye contact or cannot perceive what personal space means.
Typically speak with the same intonation, which is a barrier to attracting the attention of others. Or their style and manner of speaking may be very advanced, with the child appearing to be more developmentally advanced than others their age.
They may lack sufficient coordination of movements. It is also possible that affected children’s facial expressions, body postures and gestures may look unusual or be a little clumsy.
They may write ugly and illegible which cannot adjust over time or have difficulty learning other motor skills such as riding a bicycle.
Often have one or more interests on which they are obsessively focused. For example, they can demonstrate an obsessive interest in poisonous snakes or be passionate fans of a music star, they are also passionate collectors of e.g. photos of famous people, coins, etc.
They are usually disturbed by strong noises and bright lights.

How to help your child with Asperger syndrome succeed?

At home, you can help your child by teaching him to trust his own abilities by encouraging him to learn new skills.

Therefore, you can create rules, provide him with visual aids that arouse his interest, so that he learns the skills more easily. It takes patience on your part as a parent and support. It may take time to find a specialist who has experience treating children with this syndrome.

What are the causes?

The exact cause of developmental disorders is not known, and therefore no way to prevent them has been found. There is a trend that there is a hereditary predisposition and in in this connection, researchers are conducting research to try to find the specific genetic cause.

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