

What is colic?

Colic is a temporary condition of a baby crying incessantly no matter what methods you use to try to stop it calm down The condition is most commonly seen between the ages of 3 weeks and 3 months. Although this incessant crying may seem frightening to inexperienced parents, it is normal for most babies.

Doctors make the diagnosis when healthy cries more than what is considered normal – more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week and for 3 weeks. Continuous crying is most persistent when babies are 6 to 8 weeks old.

It is not surprising that parents feel scared and upset when they cannot get their baby to stop crying. But it should not be forgotten that colic is normal and temporary and the baby will outgrow it, usually this happens between 8 and 14 weeks of age.

What are the symptoms?

Most babies cry less or stop crying altogether when you hold them, feed them, and give them attention. But these soothing “methods” are not effective when the baby is colicky. When crying, the baby clenches its fists and tightens its belly and legs. Some newborns raise their legs towards the belly.

Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or blood or mucus in the stool are not symptoms of colic. If your baby has any of these symptoms, he should be seen by a doctor.

What are the causes?

Doctors are not sure what causes colic. It is believed that they are due to the still undeveloped nervous system, which cannot process all the information that floods the young organism and this is a way to release tension.

It is also possible that they are due to the sensitive temperament of the child. As the baby grows and develops, it learns how to control its crying.

Continuous crying is not related to health problems such as digestive disorders. But if the baby has gas, it cries much louder.

The condition is not related to the child’s pain or illness. If you suspect that your baby is crying because he is injured or sick, do not waste time and consult your doctor.< /p>

Your baby’s condition is not your fault or his fault. This does not mean that you are a bad parent or that your child is not developing normally.

Treatment for baby colic

You can prevent some of the episodes of incessant crying by building a strong emotional bond with your baby, which will help both of you feel safer and more relaxed.

Once the baby has started crying, use calming and relaxation techniques to try to shorten the episode of incessant crying or reduce its intensity. Colic gradually goes away on its own, no matter what soothing methods you use.


Keep a diary of your child’s daily activities, including when he starts crying. Writing it down will help you notice any patterns and determine when the colic will start.

In this way, you will be able to prevent the “fits” of incessant crying from starting, or reduce the intensity of the crying if you still cannot stop them.

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