
Does insufficient exposure to sunlight cause diabetes?

Spanish scientists have concluded that low levels of vitamin D in the body are a significantly more significant risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes than obesity.

For a long time, it was believed that the main factor affecting the occurrence of type 2 diabetes was the metabolic syndrome, that is, obesity.

But researchers from the Spanish University of Malaga found that the lack of sunlight has a direct impact on the development of this disease much more than excess weight.

The results of the study by the Spanish scientists are a warning for those who have low levels of vitamin D, which is formed when exposed to sunlight. Such people are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those with metabolic syndrome.

Furthermore, this group of people suffering from vitamin D deficiency is more likely to develop a pre-diabetic state in which the blood sugar level rises. If pre-diabetes is left untreated, the condition can progress over a period of about 10 years to the real disease and currently incurable – type 2 diabetes or more commonly known as diabetes. The authors of the study, however, specify that low levels of vitamin D also increase the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome.

And obesity itself increases the risk of developing heart disease and strokes. Through their research, the Spanish scientists proved a direct link between the lack of vitamin D in the human body and the metabolic processes of glucose.

In addition, vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of death from a malignant disease, as well as increases the likelihood of developing schizophrenia. This was established as a result of a 40-year study conducted by Danish scientists.

As expected, people who had the lowest levels of vitamin D in their blood were 40% more likely to get cancer. This may mean that the sunshine vitamin also has anti-cancer properties.

However, doctors advise people not to rush further to take vitamin D if its deficiency has not been clinically diagnosed.

According to medical specialists, in order not to endanger our health, the intake of nutritional supplements and vitamins for a long period of time must be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Vitamin D is relatively rarely found in the usual food products for most of us. Its main sources, which are available to most Bulgarians, are raw egg yolk, lactic acid products, fish liver and seafood.

It should be noted that at the end of last year, the results of a study by the Harvard School of Public Health came out, from which it was established that the regular use of such a simple and inexpensive food product as yogurt can become an excellent way to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Furthermore, by consuming this lactic acid product, one can ensure excellent health even in old age.

In addition, this method of prevention is available to every Bulgarian and requires minimal financial resources – a bucket of yogurt of 500 grams in large cities in Bulgaria costs about 1 BGN.

According to the claims of American scientists, it is enough for a person to consume only 28 grams of yogurt daily, but constantly the risk of type 2 diabetes will decrease by 1/5.

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