
Febrile seizure

What is a febrile seizure?

A febrile seizure or temperature seizure is a condition characterized by involuntary muscle contractions in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years as a result of elevated, usually above 38-39 degrees, body temperature.

It is possible that the fever convulsion starts at the same time as the rapid increase in body temperature.

A seizure is caused by an elevated body temperature if:

  • Convulsions only once within a day;
  • Convulsions lasted no more than 15 minutes;
  • The involuntary muscle contractions were systemic, that is, they covered the whole body, not just one side of it
  • The child is between 6 months and 5 years old;
  • The child has no neurological problems;
  • The child has had seizures before;

Fever seizures affect 2 to 5% of children. Children may have a seizure again. The likelihood of having another seizure varies by age, but about 30 to 50 percent of children have a febrile seizure within the same year they had their first. These seizures are not a form of epilepsy.

A child who has had a seizure begins to vibrate by moving his arms and legs on both sides of his body.

He may also stop breathing for a few seconds, and he is likely to urinate and pass the contents of his colon. It is important to protect the child from harm.

Febrile seizures usually last 1 to 3 minutes. After the seizure, the child may fall asleep.

You can let him sleep, but you should watch him frequently for changes in skin color and if he is breathing or twitching in his legs and arms.

The child may appear confused after the seizure, but normal activity and behavior should return about 60 minutes after the seizure.

What to do in case of a febrile seizure?

In case of a febrile seizure in children, it is extremely important to take immediate action to help the little one and ensure their safety.

  • Keep calm: The first and most important tip is to keep calm. Your calm response will help calm and comfort your child. Seizures in children are scary for both them and the parents, but your calmness will have a calming effect.
  • Move the child: If the child is on the floor or in his basket, do not move it unless medically necessary. If it happens on the eve of sleep and the child is in bed, provide a comfortable and safe environment for the seizure to pass.
  • Turn the child on his side: If vomiting or passing saliva, turn the child to one side to prevent airway obstruction. Place him in a position where his tongue will not be a choking hazard.
  • Loose clothing: If the child is wearing constricting clothing, unbutton a few buttons to provide him with -great comfort and facilitate free breathing.
  • Do not put anything in the mouth: It is important to avoid putting any objects in the child’s mouth during the seizure, as this may result in injury. Instead, concentrate on helping breathing and preventing suffocation.
  • Keep the head and chin forward: Keep the child’s head and chin forward, similar to when smelling a flower. This helps open the airway and reduces the risk of suffocation.
  • Monitor the duration of the convulsions: Try to count how long he holds the convulsions. This will be useful information to provide to your child’s pediatrician after this incident.
  • Use your finger: If there is trouble breathing and the child is drooling or vomiting profusely, you can gently use your finger to clean his mouth. This can help with better breathing.
  • Monitor the child after the seizure: After the seizures stop, continue to monitor the child closely. They may feel frightened and need to be comforted and reassured.
  • When to seek medical attention: If the seizures are repeated or continue for a long period, consult the child’s pediatrician you are They will be able to do the appropriate tests and provide the necessary treatment.
  • Give the child time to rest: After the accident, if immediate treatment is not needed, keep the child cool and safe a place to calm down and recover. After a seizure, children are usually sleepy, so they may need more sleep.

Febrile seizures in children can be frightening situations, but with appropriate actions and a calm response, you can help your little one deal with them.

It is always a good idea to consult a doctor, especially if the seizures become frequent or persist.

But by following the above tips, you can provide the necessary help and comfort to your child in such incidents.

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