
Fructose intolerance

Fructose intolerance is a nutritional disorder in which the body has difficulty absorbing and using fructose and foods that contain it. It is treated by completely eliminating fructose and sucrose from the diet.

There are two types of fructose intolerance. The first type is hereditary intolerance, also known as fructosemia or fructose-1-phosphate aldolase enzyme deficiency, is a rare genetic disorder of fructose metabolism due to the lack of the enzyme that breaks it down aldolase. p>

As a result, fructose accumulates in the liver, kidneys and small intestine because it is unable to convert its energy stores in the form of glycogen into glucose.

If left untreated, blood sugar levels drop and substances are formed that damage the liver. Hereditary intolerance is difficult to detect and therefore its frequency is not known, but it is believed to be relatively rare /from 1 case in 12,000 to 1 in 58,000 people/.

Since it is an inherited disorder, it manifests itself throughout a person’s life. It is believed to be due to the absence of special epithelial cells in the inner intestinal surface and for this reason the body is unable to absorb fructose effectively.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of both forms of fructose intolerance are gastrointestinal distress, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting, low body iron, and other nutritional deficiencies substances. There is scientific evidence linking FN to mood swings and depression.

Treatment of fructose intolerance

Although both forms of the eating disorder have different causes, they are treated by adjusting the diet.

Complete elimination of fructose and sucrose from the diet is an effective treatment only for the hereditary form of the disease. As for the acquired form of , the treatment also consists of a fructose-free diet, but in some milder cases, the consumption of foods containing fructose is allowed.

Some patients may find a threshold of sensitivity to the use of fructose and they can consume a certain amount of it without causing a reaction in the body.

In order to achieve a better effectiveness of the treatment of the hereditary form of the eating disorder, it is necessary for those affected to regularly visit a geneticist, who will assign them tests and to consult a nutritionist about possible changes in the diet.

The purpose of the fructose-free diet is to stop the intake of fructose and sucrose through food in order to alleviate the symptoms of the eating disorder.

Benefits of the special diet

Completely eliminating fructose and sucrose from the daily menu leads to almost immediate improvement in the condition of most people suffering from an eating disorder.

With early detection and starting treatment immediately after birth, good general health of the newborn can be maintained. If no serious liver damage develops, the life expectancy of those affected is normal.


It is extremely difficult to maintain a fructose-free diet when the work of the affected person is related to travel and he is not able to prepare his own food and has to eat in bars and restaurants.< /p>

In such a case, you should talk to the service staff of the establishment where you will be eating and explain your problem.

It is best to disclose your fructose intolerance to the person preparing the food, this may be the chef or just a cook and rarely the manager of the establishment.

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