

What is gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea or tripe is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Neisseriagonorrhea. It is among the most common sexually transmitted infections.

It is characteristic of this disease that the bacterium that causes it is becoming increasingly resistant to most of the antibiotics used to kill it.

Gonorrhea infection is more common in certain groups of people. And the highest frequency of infection is among adolescents, young people and among drug users.

What are the symptoms of gonorrhea?

Symptoms usually appear within 2-10 days after sexual contact with an infected person. P

the period can be longer, as in women the first symptoms develop up to 3 weeks after exposure to the bacteria during sexual contact.

Symptoms in women

In about 30-40% of cases, infected women show no symptoms. Therefore, it is very likely that they are infected, but do not know about it.

Gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory disease – this is a serious disease that can also lead to infertility.

Some of the more common symptoms are:

  • Infection and increased sensitivity of the cervix;
  • Need to urinate frequently;
  • Itching and burning of the vagina, accompanied by the discharge of a thick yellow-green discharge;
  • Infection and inflammation of the vagina. This symptom appears in most cases in children who have been victims of sexual abuse;
  • Bleeding between periods;

Symptoms in men

  • Pain or burning during urination in most men;
  • Thick yellowish discharge from the penis during half the duration of the disease;
  • Inflammation of the ducts of the testicles;
  • Infection of the prostate gland;

Symptoms of gonorrhea in newborns

  • Irrited mucous membranes of the eyes, if left untreated, this condition can become a cause of blindness;

Symptoms of oral and rectal gonorrhea

  • A sore throat accompanied by other symptoms of gonorrhea may be considered a gonococcal infection of the throat, which is transmitted through oral sex.
  • Pain in the rectum or during defecation can be a sign of a prostate infection as a result of infection with the gonococcal bacteria during oral sex.

What are the causes of the disease?

The bacterium Neisseriagonorrhoeae is the cause of gonorrhea. It is transmitted from person to person through anal, vaginal or oral sex.

The chance of men developing the infection after contact with an infected woman is 20%.

In women, the probability of infection in contact with an infected man is 50%.

An infected mother can transmit the infection to her child during a natural vaginal birth.

Treatment of gonorrhea

Antibiotic therapy is administered. Due to increasing resistance of Neisseriagonorrhea strains to fluoroquinolone antibiotics, another class of third-generation celofolosporins is now recommended for the treatment of gonococcal infections.

Your doctor may prescribe a single-dose injection of an antibiotic such as ceftriaxone or a single-dose tablet such as cefixime.

Pregnant women and patients under 18 years of age are mainly prescribed the injection of the antibiotic ceftriaxone.

How to protect yourself?

  • Use latex condoms during sex: Using condoms is one of the most effective ways to prevent gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms prevent contact between sexual organs and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Avoid contact with partners you consider risky: If you have information or suspicions that your sexual partner may be infected with gonorrhea or other STIs, it is important to refrain from having sex with it. Talking about your partner’s sexual history and health is important to your health.
  • Get tested before sex: If you are starting a new sexual relationship, it is good to insist that your partners get tested for STIs, including gonorrhea, before you have sex. This can provide additional reassurance that you are both healthy and not at risk of infection.
  • Frequent sexual partner changes: If you change sexual partners frequently, it is important to regular tests for STIs, including gonorrhea. This can help detect and treat infections early and also prevent them from spreading.
  • Education and information: Knowledge is a powerful tool against gonorrhea. Educate yourself about symptoms, ways of transmission and how to protect yourself. The right information can help you make informed decisions about your sex life and prevent risks.
  • Partner fidelity: Maintaining a stable, long-term and mutual sexual relationship with a reliable partner can reduce the risk of gonorrhea and other STIs. However, it is important that both parties undergo regular tests and be screened for infections before engaging in sexual intercourse.
  • The HPV vaccine: The human papillomavirus vaccine ( HPV) can protect against some forms of cancer and contribute to overall sexual health. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of vaccination.

Maintaining your sexual health is essential. Following these tips and taking a careful approach to your sex life can help you protect yourself from gonorrhea and other STIs and enjoy a sex life that is safe and healthy.

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