
Hepatitis E

What is Hepatitis E?

Hepatitis E is a viral disease caused by the hepatitis E RNA virus type E /HEV/ and can cause inflammation of the liver.

How is it spread?

People usually get this type of hepatitis E from drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated by the feces of a person who is infected with hepatitis virus type E.

In very rare cases, the transmission of the virus can be carried out by another person. There is no evidence that you can get this type of hepatitis virus through sexual contact with an infected person or through a blood transfusion. It is also very unlikely that you will contract the virus more than once.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms appear within 2 to 7 weeks of exposure to the virus. Manifest forms of the disease usually last about 2 months.

While for many the infection is asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, for some it can be severe and even fatal.

The most common symptoms of hepatitis E include:

  • Constant tiredness: One of the early symptoms of hepatitis E infection is increased tiredness and fatigue. This fatigue can be extremely debilitating and affect your daily activities.
  • Weight loss: People infected with hepatitis E often lose weight, even if they are not dieting. . This is a result of decreased appetite and difficulty digesting food due to liver problems.
  • Nausea and lack of appetite: Many with hepatitis E symptoms complain of nausea and lack of appetite. interest in food. These symptoms can lead to dehydration and weight loss.
  • Pain in the right side of the abdomen: As hepatitis E affects the liver, pain and discomfort may occur in the right part of the abdomen where this organ is located.
  • Yellowing of the skin and cheeks: Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, is common with hepatitis E. This symptom is due to impaired liver function, which leads to the accumulation of bile pigments in the body.
  • Clay-colored darkening of urine and stools: People with hepatitis E often have darkened urine and stools that have an unusual clay-like color.
  • Muscle pain: Some individuals with hepatitis E may experience muscle pain, which can be uncomfortable and burdensome.< /li>
  • Slight fever: Fever is common with infections and can also be seen with hepatitis E.

It is important to note that Hepatitis E symptoms can range from mild to serious and even fatal, especially in pregnant women and people with weak immunity.

The infection usually goes away after a few weeks or months, but in some cases it can become chronic.

This virus should be taken very seriously, and people with hepatitis E symptoms should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of hepatitis E

Like any viral infection, the treatment in this case is supportive and aims to alleviate the symptoms of the patient and make him feel better.

To speed up your recovery:

  • Don’t overwork yourself and give yourself time to rest. Once you feel better, don’t be in a hurry to resume your daily activities in full. If you suddenly try to do all the tasks that you used to do on a daily basis when you were healthy, there is a great danger of getting sick again.
  • Eat a healthy and varied diet. Although you may not have any appetite, it is important to eat well.
  • Do not consume alcohol as this will put extra strain on your liver and may make your general condition worse. You will also delay your healing.
  • Make sure your doctor is aware of what medications you are taking, including herbal products. Do not start taking any new medicines before consulting your doctor.

If symptoms worsen or you are pregnant, consult your doctor. Hospitalization may also be required.

Can we protect ourselves from Hepatitis E?

Hepatitis E is most common in developing countries in Central and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Central America.

If you visit countries in these regions, you may reduce your chances of exposure to the virus, and these rules are fully applicable in Bulgaria as well:

  • Avoid drinking water or using ice that you do not know is clean.
  • Avoid eating raw fruits or vegetables that are not peeled. It is best to prepare your own by scalding them with boiling water.
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet, before and after changing diapers, or before preparing and eating food.
  • Teach your children not to put objects in their mouths;
  • Wash kitchen utensils in warm, soapy water
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At the moment, there is no approved vaccine against hepatitis E, although Chinese scientists discovered one back in 2010, but it is still in the clinical testing phase and is yet to be widely offered.


Do not donate blood if you have suffered from any of the types of hepatitis before 11 years have passed since its complete cure.

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