
How is acute bronchitis treated?

Acute bronchitis in people who do not suffer from other chronic diseases usually subsides within 2-3 weeks.

It is possible that a need for traditional painkillers will arise in order to weaken the symptoms of the disease. Most people do not need prescription medications such as antibiotics.

Choosing a drug

• Cough and expectorants that can ease sputum production and are available without a prescription. Cough and cold medicines can only be given to children under 2 years of age with the permission of a doctor. If the pediatrician has prescribed medicine for your child, follow his instructions regarding the administration of the respective medicine.

• Traditional pain relievers and fever reducers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol. It should be remembered that aspirin should not be given to persons younger than 20 years.

The doctor may also prescribe you the following bronchodilator agents:

• Inhaled beta-2-agonists, such as albuterol, used to relax the airways, which can ‘soften’ coughs and make breathing easier. However, the possible positive effect can be considered taking into account the real side effects, such as tremors, chills and nervousness.

• Antibiotics – may be used to treat people at increased risk of complications from acute bronchitis. The use of antibiotics against inflammation of the bronchi in people who do not suffer from other chronic diseases does not appear to be effective.

If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, you should take them as prescribed. Do not stop taking the antibacterial preparations, even if you feel an improvement in your condition. It is necessary to complete the entire course of treatment.

In the presence of such conditions as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease /COPD/ or asthma, corticosteroids can be prescribed, which are able to relieve difficulty breathing, wheezing and persistent cough.

To treat such complications as pneumonia, appropriate preparations will be prescribed. Thus, the choice of the drug in the treatment of acute bronchitis is determined by the type of complications caused by the disease and by the presence of other chronic conditions.

Surgical treatment

In this disease, this therapeutic method is not applied.

Other treatments

Bed rest, adequate fluid intake, and other home treatments are acceptable for most people with acute bronchitis in the absence of other chronic conditions.

People with certain diseases of the respiratory tract, such as those with COPD, may need specific treatment.

Treatment of acute bronchitis at home

Using self-treatment methods at home, a person can alleviate his condition.

The following methods exist for this purpose:

• Cough relief by drinking various decoctions, taking cough tablets, and also avoiding contact with substances that irritate the lungs.

• Do not abuse alcohol and caffeine during treatment, as they contribute to the removal of fluids from the body, which leads to dehydration;

• Give up smoking;

• Take enough time to rest so that your body can deal with the infection more quickly. By resting more than usual during acute bronchitis, you will soon feel an improvement in your condition.

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