
How mineral waters affect the human body

Mineral waters are divided according to their mineralization into medicinal and table waters with a mineralization of up to 10 grams per liter and medicinal waters >1 g/l.

They have a non-specific effect on the human body, which is caused by mineralization and mainly by the presence of sodium and chlorine in the water, i.e. sodium chloride (NaCl) or even more popularly as salt and hydrocarbonate (HCO3) and specifically caused by the presence in the water of a significant amount of chemical elements capable of changing the internal environment of the body and its functions.

These are usually the deficient and vital macro and micronutrients such as magnesium, calcium and silicon.

They are necessary for life, as their deficiency leads to the disruption of the functions of the organs and systems of the human organism, and their complete lack can even cause death.

These minerals are catalysts of biochemical processes occurring in the human body and accelerate them by several billion times.

Thousands of such reactions are regulated by minerals and several thousand more by vitamins. They should not be forgotten, and it is also important to know that only water-soluble substances are absorbed in the human body.

All macro- and microelements in mineral water are in ionic electrically active form, they are quickly absorbed and affect the body in different ways.

Therefore, when choosing mineral water, attention must be paid to its composition.

According to various estimates for Bulgaria, women take in 327% of their required sodium and 295% of chlorine, and men – 396% of sodium and 363% of chlorine.

Sodium chloride regulates water-salt exchange in the body and performs its functions in the intercellular space.

Provided that we always take NaCl in excess, we drink mineral waters with a high content of active sodium and chlorine ions.

They quickly enter the intercellular space, the “salting” of the organism begins even faster, the osmotic pressure of the cell and on it grows and more energy is needed to ensure its vital functions / up to 70% of the energy formed by the cell is used by her to ensure her vital activity/.

This is practically impossible, because with modern nutrition, the main macro- and microelements that ensure the energy capacity of the cell, magnesium, zinc and potassium, are in short supply.

Each cell can divide 50 times during its lifetime.

In such conditions, smaller cells appear during division. In adolescence in the human body, the ratio of intercellular space to cellular space is 1:1.1, and in old age 1:0.8 – we “salt” and oxidize, it is no coincidence that salt is called “white death”.

However, there is not enough scientific evidence to categorically confirm the above description.
Magnesium is an anti-stress mineral and in Bulgaria there are few waters that contain it and are available on the market – such water is from a village Mikhalkovo, Devin municipality, Smolyan district, commercially available under the brand “Mihalkovo”.

In addition to the fact that this water contains magnesium 48.5 mg/l, it is also the only one on the territory of Bulgaria that is naturally carbonated or carbonated.

Magnesium needs increase with:

• In children and adolescents, people in advanced and old age;
• Diet with increased protein intake, especially in athletes and children during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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