
How people around the world have defeated aging

Around the world there are oases of longevity where people live much longer than their neighbors on the planet. Where are they located and what explains the high life expectancy in these places.

1. Bama City, China, Guangxi Province

Gerontologists around the world call this area the “Land of Longevity” and are actively studying this phenomenon.

The average life expectancy in this province is 87 years. For every 100,000 people living in Bama, there are 36 long-lived people aged 100 and over, which exceeds the world average by 5 times.

What is the secret – in Bama, the living conditions are absolutely unique. The air temperature in this area is constant and does not exceed 26 degrees /physiologists consider such a temperature to be optimal for the functioning of all organs and systems of the body/.

Another feature of the region is water. People in the region drink absolutely pure water that undergoes natural filtration through limestone caves.

Thanks to this, it is enriched with rare mineral substances – with selenium /the main mineral responsible for longevity/, mobile, strontium and potassium. The water from these caves is recognized as healing – scientists have found that it conditions the normalization of metabolism and cleanses the body.

The landscape of the area predisposes to walking – local residents, before going home, are forced to walk 3-4 kilometers through the caves. Considering that the air in them contains a large amount of negatively charged ions, beneficially affecting the human organism, such a walk can safely be considered healing.

2. Finland

The remarkable Finnish paradox is actively studied and becomes an example for many countries.

Although Finland is one of the most ecologically clean countries in the world – 70% of the country’s territory is covered with forests, and the tap water of the capital Helsinki was recognized by experts as the cleanest in the world, as early as the 60s years of the last century had the highest mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases in Europe, and accordingly the population of the northern country did not live long.

In 30-odd years – from 1972 to 2005, morbidity decreased by 80% and life expectancy increased by 10 years. Today, Finns live an average of 81 years, according to WHO data for 2012, and are ranked 24th in the world by this indicator.

For comparison, Bulgaria is in 94th place in terms of average life expectancy and the average life expectancy of a Bulgarian is 74.5 years.

Finland achieves these results by conducting large-scale preventive measures. First of all, the Finns gradually learned to eat healthy food with a reduced animal fat content.

It was in this country that functional food products were created – skimmed butter, sugar substitutes, lactose-free milk, etc.

Agricultural soils began to be treated with preparations containing selenium. And gerontologists suggest that this is precisely the reason for the extension of life expectancy.

3. Okinawa – Japan

This island has the highest longevity rates in the world. Life expectancy is about 2 years higher, for both men and women, than the rest of the Land of the Rising Sun.

It is believed that the secret of longevity lies in the diet, which mainly consists of seafood, providing sufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and soy, the daily use of which increases the levels of sex hormones, such as way the aging process is slowed down.

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