
How puberty occurs in boys

Until the transition period, the development of boys proceeds without hormonal peaks, that is, calmly. Vigorous sexual development in the stronger sex takes place 2 years later compared to girls. By the tenth and twelfth year, the changes characteristic of the period of adolescence begin for the knights.

Around the 12th 14th year, the biggest event in a boy’s life happens, he begins to become a man.

However, outward manifestations do not appear until the twelfth thirteenth year. At the same time, andrologists believe that the earlier puberty begins in a boy, the stronger will be his sexual constitution, that is, his sexual temperament or sexual need.

But one supplement should be made here – this is only the case if the child does not have problems with the endocrine system.

• Penis

From the age of 11, the growth of the penis begins in boys. If at this age his length at rest is 4 cm, at the age of 14 it will be 7, and at 18 – 10 cm. However, these figures are not proof of any norm.

As for the dimensions of “male pride” – there are no standards here. Let’s say, when erect, an adult man’s penis can be 5 to 17 cm long, and this is considered normal.

• Enlargement of the testicles

This happens around the age of 11-12. By the 12-13th year, boys begin to grow groin hair. And by the 15-16th year, the hair becomes diamond-shaped, and by the 17-18th year, hairs begin to gradually appear on the inner part of the thighs.

• Thickening of the voice

At the age of 13-14, the unfortunate but inevitable “breaking of the voice” /mutation/ and formation of “Adam’s apple” /thyroid cartilage of the larynx/ begins. By the age of 17, the typical male voice and Adam’s apple are already fully formed in boys.

• Armpit hair

Lastly, that is, from the age of 14, boys start to grow hair under their arms. It should be noted that by the 11th-12th year there is not even a hint of hair growth in these places. And here at the 14th year individual hairs appear, by the 15th they are more and more, and in the 17th year there is already full hair.

• Facial Hair

As for another typically male distinguishing feature, the beard, it fully appears by the 17th 18th year. But by the 13-14th, a gentle fluff breaks out above the boys’ lips, which turns into a mustache by the 15th-16th year.

• Coarsening of the nipples

Another important moment in the process of sexual development of boys is the physiological coarsening of the nipples. And if in this case the child has pain in the area of ​​the nipples, then this is an indicator of completely normal sexual development.

• Sex cells

At the age of 14-15, the male sex cells begin to form – sperm cells, the maturation of which takes place continuously, in contrast to the release of eggs. Also during this period, pollution occurs in boys – spontaneous ejaculation – this is a completely normal physiological phenomenon.

And help the boy understand how normal everything that happens to him is obliged to provide him none other than his father. It is necessary for the father to explain to his son that it should be so and it is not worth worrying about.

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