
How to completely cure coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis is a joint disease associated with tissue changes in the area of ​​the hip joints. Its other popular names are osteoporosis or arthrosis of the hip joint. The term coxarthrosis refers only to the hip joint /from Latin “coxa” – thigh/.


This disease mainly affects people over 40 years of age, the incidence rate is the same in both sexes, however, in women the painful sensations are more pronounced.

Stages of coxarthrosis

There are three degrees of this disease – the higher the degree, the more pronounced the symptoms.

• 1st degree – periodically occurring pains only in the area of ​​the joint. Painful sensations usually appear at that moment, when the patient begins to move after a state of rest. When the joint moves, the pain subsides.

In a state of rest, manifestations of the pain syndrome are absent. The joints are movable, as in a healthy person. X-rays show only a slight increase in bone tissue, an almost imperceptible narrowing of the joint space, the head and neck of the femur are unchanged.

• 2nd degree – the pain begins to spread to the knees and upper thighs. They also occur in a state of rest. During intense physical exertion /long walking, running/ the affected person begins to limp involuntarily.

Changes visible on X-ray become more and more noticeable – the head of the femur is deformed, its contour becomes uneven, the neck of the bone is thickened, the joint neck is shrunk to 1/3 of the norm.

• 3rd degree – painful sensations become constant, the patient feels them regardless of the load and can become the cause of insomnia. The mobility of the joint is so limited that the patient cannot walk without support.

The X-ray shows a significant narrowing of the joint space, the neck of the femur is very wide compared to normal, and the head of the bone is deformed.

Coxarthrosis – treatment

In the initial stages, modern therapeutic methods allow stopping the development of the disease. When treatment is started on time, the patient will never know what 3rd degree coxarthrosis is.

In the first 2 stages of the course of the disease, the methods of conservative and medical treatment are actively applied.

• Serious physical loads on the affected joints are excluded, the patient is recommended to switch to a sparing regime. In addition, a course of special exercises is appointed.

• Pain-reducing preparations are prescribed – analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparations.

• Massage, reflexology.

All these methods activate blood circulation in the joints and adjacent tissues, allow the restoration of their mobility, thus achieving complete healing.

Operation for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint in the 1st or 2nd degree is recommended only in exceptional cases. Currently, there are many therapeutic methods to reduce the pain syndrome and to slow down the progression of the disease.

Methods for treating coxarthrosis in the early stages

Drug treatment

• Anti-inflammatory drugs – for example, diclofenac, movalis, etc. They have a very good effect on swelling, inflammation, but with long-term use, side effects are possible, for example, exacerbation of stomach ulcer disease. But it should be noted that of these preparations, it is movalis that is defined as one of the safest.

• Preparations with a vasodilating effect such as trental, cinnarizine – improve the blood supply around the joint, due to which it quickly recovers. These preparations practically have no contraindications, only such are possible in case of severe liver and kidney failure.

• Preparations that restore cartilage tissue, the so-called chondroprotectors – glucosamine, arteparone, flexodone, are the most useful for the treatment of coxarthrosis. They contribute to the restoration of cartilage, even after stopping their intake.

Folk medicine for this disease can only be used to reduce pain, improve blood circulation and mobility of the joint. Folk methods are not able to completely cure the patient from coxacrosis. For this purpose, he should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

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