
How to have more beautiful skin

The skin is an extremely important organ in the human body that we must take care of, just like the heart, kidneys< /strong> and our other important organs.

The skin is a respiratory organ, which is also the largest in the human body.

Human skin is about 5 square meters in size and its cells are renewed every hour.

Another interesting fact is that during lifetime each individual changes about 47 kg of skin.

Our body mass consists of about 10% skin, or an average of 7 to 10 kilograms of skin.

But hardly anyone was aware of these interesting facts, and only now are you thinking about how important an organ it is.

This is why we must take special care to keep our skin healthy, clean and in good condition.

One of the most important things to achieve this result is not being a smoker or taking tobacco in any other way.

This is because in its composition nicotine contains substances that accumulate inside the skin, worsen its health and, as a result, change its color.

If you’ve ever wondered why your smoking friend has yellow fingers, now you know what cigarettes actually do to our skin.

Cigarettes lead to the appearance of gray shades on the skin of the face and to its faster dehydration.

In addition, cigarettes are to blame for drying out the largest respiratory organ and for the appearance of more visible hair on the face.

Another disadvantage that cigarettes bring with them when it comes to our skin is that aging processes drastically increase their speed when our body is oversaturated with nicotine, thereby they also form more wrinkles.

In smokers, wounds on the body, resulting from punctures, cuts, etc., heal much more slowly and remain permanently scarred, due to the presence of nicotine.

Another common habit among people, which unfortunately, in addition to our other organs and systems, is harmful to the skin, is frequent dehydration.

Most people do not drink the required amount of water per day and because of this they get sick for a variety of reasons.

The recommended amount of water that each person should drink per day is about 3 liters.

Water moisturizes and hydrates the skin, thus making it more elastic, improving its color and nourishing it.

Water improves blood circulation and thus contributes to the constant replacement of skin cells.

In order to be healthy and beautiful, human skin needs certain vitamins and minerals, some of which are included in the composition of water.

Another trick to maintain healthy and beautiful skin is to expose yourself to the sun more often.

As we all know well, the sun synthesizes vitamin D in our body and helps with the various functions it performs.

Experts also recommend the careful use of any cosmetic products, because most of them have a chemical composition and are able to damage our skin.

There are preparations with unfavorable ingredients that are able to irritate the skin, give us acne and various rashes, that is why it is good to always consult a dermatologist about the products you intend to use.

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