
How to learn to achieve the goals we set for ourselves

Each of us probably has very specific life goals. But also not all of us decide to proceed with their implementation. Perhaps, we constantly procrastinate, try, convince ourselves to start, get positive and procrastinate again. Why this happens and how to get out of the deadlock.

“I want too”

It can happen that the goals we choose are not ours at all. That is, it seems to you that they are yours, but in fact they were imposed from the outside – by a mother, friend, relative, etc.

You are puzzled by the career development of those around you – the neighbors went on vacation to the Maldives and I want to, all my friends already have children and it’s time for me. And maybe you don’t need a career or a holiday in the Maldives. And for the birth of a child, maybe you are not ready yet.

And unpreparedness will whisper to you – wait, there is time, think more. It is important to note here that the goals imposed on us by other people are not necessarily “bad” and unnecessary.

When you achieve them, you can experience immense happiness and feel great. If you have set goals in many areas of your life, but you still can’t begin to move towards them, ask yourself what the reason for this indecision is.

Listen to yourself and you will find an answer to all the questions – what is stopping you, what are you actually afraid of and what difficulties are you trying to avoid.

Real goal

The adequate person sets goals based on what he wants and what he can achieve. But sometimes people set themselves tasks, the fulfillment of which they will hardly be able to achieve.

And then this goal becomes a dream, a meaning of life – something that fills a person’s existence. And in order to feel this completeness, it is not necessary to achieve this goal.

The main thing is just to have it, even if it is impractical.

In such a case, it is good to ask yourself why this particular goal is on your agenda, why you want to achieve it, how much exactly you need it.

What is all this effort for? What needs of yours do they meet?

If you have realized that yes, in reality you want this, but you lack the energy and courage to realize it, what is left? It remains for you to motivate yourself.

Motivate yourself

First of all, make a clear and detailed plan in which everything is described step by step. And as the first point of this implementation plan, write down a must, something elementary that does not bother you at all.

So, inspired by the first success, cross off the completed points of the plan and talk to yourself – “So what, I managed to do everything I set out to do!”

In your implementation plan, write down that you will reward yourself for completing each item – the more complex the task, the bigger the reward should be.

And with what to punish yourself for procrastination or falling behind. For example, deprive yourself of something pleasant and valuable to you. Make sure to define time frames for the realization of both the small goals and the big ones. But approach them flexibly, due to the fact that not everything in this world depends on you.

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