
Hypertensive crisis

Hypertensive crisis is a condition of the body that is a complication of pathologically increased arterial pressure. It is usually accompanied by violations of the functionality of certain internal organs.

The uncomplicated hypertensive crisis is accompanied exclusively and only by increased arterial pressure, which can be lowered at home without requiring hospitalization of the patient.

When the condition is complicated, certain or several organs are affected, therefore it is imperative to place the affected person in a medical facility, where he is given medical assistance and placed under medical supervision.

What are the symptoms?

Increased arterial pressure (at that, pathologically elevated, which does not include its rise during nervous tension, bathing in ice water, etc., prolonged stay at very low temperatures without appropriate clothing) is one of the main symptoms of hypertensive crisis.

High blood pressure is detected with a special device – a tonometer, which is better known as a blood pressure measuring device. A state of hypertensive crisis is considered when the tonometer shows a blood pressure of more than 180 per 110 millimeters of mercury.

Also, the symptoms of the crisis caused by too high blood pressure include the feeling of fatigue, sleep disturbance, headache localized in the occipital region.

Patients with this condition may also complain of chest pain, shortness of breath and signs of angina.

In case of very high blood pressure, a disturbance in the function of the central nervous system is also often observed – it increases or vice versa, the sensitivity decreases, strong weakness in the arms or legs appears.

In some people, the condition is asymptomatic and they practically spend it “on their feet”. This is especially dangerous for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system and the vessels of the brain.


The diagnosis of the condition is made based on the readings of the appropriate blood pressure device being used.

In order to detect concomitant disorders in the functionality of the internal organs during the crisis, an electrocardiogram is prescribed – for complaints of heart pain.

An examination by a neuropathologist is recommended for limb dysfunction, rheoencephalography – to determine the state of cerebral blood circulation, echocardiography, coronarography, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, liver and other organs.


Prevention of excessively high blood pressure consists in modern diagnosis of this condition and use of existing methods of hypertension treatment.

Also, leading a healthy lifestyle, keeping the body in good shape also serves as a preventive measure against hypertensive crisis. It is very important to harden the body and lead an active lifestyle with moderate physical exertion.

Treatment of hypertensive crisis

The main goal in the treatment of this condition is to normalize the arterial pressure and prevent its increase to such levels in the future.

First of all, medication is prescribed for this purpose. These medications can be administered intramuscularly, intravenously or in the form of tablets under the tongue.

But it is always important to remember that a sharp drop in blood pressure by more than 20% from baseline should not be aimed for, as the patient may go into shock.

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