
In countries where abortion is restricted, women are much healthier

In the British scientific publication British Medical Journal, the results of a 10-year study were published, within which it was found that women’s health is much better in countries where abortion is legally restricted.

Specialists established a correlation between women’s health and the number of abortions. The study was conducted by scientists from the MELISA Institute.

For this purpose, they selected 32 Mexican states where legislation and traditions regarding abortion were different.

It should be noted here that abortion is legally defined as a crime in most Mexican states. In Mexico only in 2007 were women allowed to have an abortion in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

From the results of the conducted scientific research, it was found that in the states where the artificial termination of pregnancy is limited, women’s health is better by 23%. Besides, the mortality rate of women as a result of complications after abortions is lower by 47%.

According to the Mexican scientists, experiments of a similar nature were conducted in Chile and the USA, where the researchers obtained a similar result.

Also, the scientists’ latest findings contradict claims that if women are not provided with the opportunity to have a legal abortion, they may suffer from an illegal abortion procedure.


Scientists strongly recommend that women protect themselves against unwanted pregnancy by using widely available contraceptives, perhaps the safest of which is the condom, as there has recently been a growing body of scientific evidence indicating that contraceptives pose health risks. of the woman.

Doctors warn that the termination of pregnancy also affects the already deteriorated geographical picture in Bulgaria, as according to the latest data of the National Statistical Institute, the population of the country is already under 7 million people.

According to medical specialists, almost every 2nd abortion is the cause of subsequent infertility, because after it there is a real danger of chronic infections and hormonal pathologies. And this generally affects a woman’s health.

It should be noted that in some countries artificial abortions are absolutely prohibited, and both the woman who performed the abortion and the medical personnel who performed the procedure are subject to criminal prosecution.

And in other countries, such as Bulgaria, artificial abortions are permitted by law, and their performance is completely free from 09.02. 1990

And both before and after 1944, abortion was absolutely prohibited, but in 1956 the provision in the Penal Code criminalizing abortion “on demand” was repealed.

But the procedure is done after going through a relatively cumbersome bureaucratic procedure. However, from 2,000 abortions “on demand” in 1956, when an incriminating provision in the Civil Code was repealed, they increased to 31,700 in the following year 1957.

And from 1960 to 1993 they constantly exceeded 100 thousand per year. The most abortions “on request” were registered in 1961 – over 169 thousand.

In recent years, abortions in our country have been decreasing, and in 2011 they were already under 30 thousand, which is a significant number, considering the decreasing and aging population of the country.

It should be noted that Russia was the first country in the world, already in 1920, to abolish the criminal responsibility for abortion on request. But despite this, in recent years, there has also been a serious decline in “on-demand” abortions

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