

Mania is a psychological condition characterized by the appearance of unexplained euphoria, a manifestation of very intense moods, hyperactivity and delusions.

Mania or manic episodes are a characteristic symptom of bipolar disorder.

A psychological state can be dangerous for several reasons. People cannot sleep or eat while in a manic episode.

They are prone to risky behaviors and can injure themselves. For people suffering from mania there is an increased risk of hallucinations and other disturbances in perception.

What are the symptoms?

Affected individuals appear excited highly euphoric and exhibit other characteristically marked behavioral manifestations. They are hyperactive and can hallucinate and imagine.

Some patients feel restless and extremely anxious. The moods of people with manic disorder can change rapidly from intense euphoria to depression with extremely low energy levels.

During manic episodes, a person feels as if he has a huge amount of vital energy. And this can also cause an acceleration of the processes in the body of the affected person, as if time runs faster.


People with manic disorder think and speak very quickly, but this has a bad effect on the quality of the work performed, because in most cases their more precise activities are accompanied by many errors.

Those affected can easily be irritated or distracted, exhibit risky behavioral manifestations and, in connection with this, often abuse the financial means at their disposal.

For example, it happens that they indulge in gambling and lose a lot of money, putting not only themselves, but also their family at risk.

It also happens that those affected show aggressive behavioral manifestations. Frequent abuse of alcohol or drugs are also counted among the symptoms of manic disorder.

The milder form of the psychological condition is called hypomania, and the symptoms are identical, but less pronounced.

Episodes of hypomania last a shorter time than those of manic disorder.

What causes it?

Family history is among the factors that can trigger the psychological condition.

Also at risk are people whose parents or siblings are predisposed to manic episodes due to the presence of a mental disorder.

Some people are prone to psychosis due to an undiagnosed clinical condition or mental illness, such as bipolar disorder.

And a particular irritant or combination of them may trigger manic episodes in these people.

MRI of the brain shows slightly different brain structures or activity in most patients.

But in most cases, doctors do not use this method of diagnosis.

Stressful events in life such as the death of a loved one can be a factor in the development of this psychological condition.

Financial difficulties, relationship problems and illnesses such as hypothyroidism can also trigger manic episodes.

Treatment of mania

Hospitalization may be required if the manic disorder is severe or accompanied by psychosis.

In this case, placement in a medical facility is required as a preventive measure against possible self-harm by the patient.

Depending on the cause of the manic disorder, psychotherapy and medication are used.

Medications that are usually prescribed are lithium and antipsychotics such as aripiprazole, olanzaline, quetiapine and risperidine.

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