
Men with normal sperm live longer.

Male sterility, which is caused by disorders in the composition of sperm, leads not only to reproductive problems, but also shortens life.

It has been scientifically proven that men with normal sperm have the chance to live longer.

The findings are published in the journal Human Reproduction. Among men who were identified with two or more abnormalities in the composition of the sperm, the risk of death was twice as high as among men without such problems.

“Armed with this information, doctors who provide infertility treatment can simply advise their patients to give up bad habits and start living a healthy lifestyle that has a positive effect on their life expectancy,” he said. Dr. Michael Eisenberg, lead author of the study and professor of urology at Stanford (School of Medicine)

“For patients who visit a doctor in connection with infertility – it is also an additional opportunity and motivation to start paying more attention to their health in general”, adds Eisenberg.

Eisenberg and his colleagues treated people with medical records who came to the clinic for infertility research. 12,000 men between the ages of 20 and 50 took part in the study.

Doctors recorded in the medical history all the tests, including the total number of sperm, their shape and their motility.

Scientists compare these results with mortality rates among patients and try to account for any health problems that could affect sperm quality.

When there is no sperm disorder, it does not create a risk of early death, but among people with two or more disorders, the risk is on average 2.3 times higher. In addition, people with more problems and therefore a greater risk were also found.

“These data only confirm the importance of the exact cause of male infertility,” said Dr. Nathan Bar-Hama, head of the Mount Sinai Hospital Clinic. It is important to understand that these data do not show that problems with sperm composition necessarily lead to higher mortality.

The study only proves that there is some relationship between these factors. Scientists have several hypotheses to explain this phenomenon.

“It’s easy to imagine that if the body can’t produce normal sperm, then there might be other functions that it can’t perform properly,” says Eisenberg. Problems with sperm composition can be caused by low testosterone levels.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the group of sex hormones. In mammals, the hormone is secreted mainly by the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands.

Basically, it is the main male sex hormone and anabolic steroid. In both men and women, testosterone plays a key role in health and good physical condition.

Along with sexual activity, including regulation of fertility, libido and muscle mass, testosterone also helps increase energy, increased production of red blood cells and protection againstosteoporosis.


Dr. Eisenberg also believes that these results can be applied to women who are having trouble conceiving a child.

If someone close to you has a similar problem, advise them to see a specialist. He will order all the necessary tests to keep you healthy.

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