
Multicolored lichen

What is lichen planus?

Lichen planus is a fungal infection that causes small, flat patches to appear on the skin. The spots may appear scaly and cause slight itching.

A distinction must be made between this type of fungal infection and red flat lichen, which usually appears on certain parts of the body – genitals, the inside of the hands. The characteristic spots in these cases are red-yellow in color, and the reason for their appearance is unknown.

Several small spots in close proximity can form larger ones, usually in areas where there is a greater concentration of sebaceous glands such as the chest and back.

Spots can be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin and their coloring can vary.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms are characterized by the appearance of small, flat, round or oval spots, which over time take the form of patches, as they are slightly raised above the surrounding skin.

Liches appear on the areas of the body with the greatest density of sebaceous glands – on the upper chest, back or upper arms, or less commonly on the upper thighs, neck or the face.

The spots may be lighter or darker than the skin around them if it darkens with prolonged exposure to the sun.

Skin ringworm is easier to spot in the summer months, as the fungus blocks pigmentation in the area of ​​the spots. The characteristic lichen lichen light spots on the skin are difficult to notice in paler people, especially in the winter period

Liches can be white, pink, red, yellow-brown or brown in color depending on the skin color. The spots in each person are usually the same color.

The skin in the area of ​​the spots may be scaly. Although it does not happen to everyone, but itching can also appear, especially in hot weather.

What are the causes?

The infection is caused by a fungus. These fungi live all around us, including on the skin.

Regular washing and bathing is usually enough to remove dead skin and most fungus.

But in hot and humid weather, such as during the summer months or when visiting countries in the equatorial and subequatorial climate zone, the fungus begins to accelerate its growth.

The fungi increase in quantity and their balance on the surface of the skin is disturbed. This results in a change in the normal color of the skin and spots appear which are actually defined as lichen.

People with oilier skin such as teenagers and young adults are more likely to get this type of yeast infection, which is not contagious.

In extremely rare cases, multicolored lichen also occurs in babies, as their sebaceous glands are still hard and underdeveloped.

Other risk factors:

  • Weakened immune system as a result of pregnancy or due to other diseases;
  • According to some studies, the appearance of multicolored lichen is a symptom of fatty liver, which medical name is hepatic steatosis;
  • Use of certain medications such as corticosteroids, antibiotics or contraceptives;

Treatment of lichen planus

Treatment aims to prevent the rash from spreading and improve the appearance of the skin. The multi-colored lichen that appears can be treated with over-the-counter medications.

But not everyone with this type of infection takes lichen treatment. It is only necessary if it bothers you or causes problems.

Most often, topical preparations are used for treatment. These can be antifungal shampoos, creams or shower gels.

Shampoos can be used on the body as well as the head and are usually easier to use than creams.

Stronger medications may require a prescription. For example, shampoos used to treat ringworm usually contain selenium sulfide. They are available as a 2.5% prescription solution and as a 1% over-the-counter solution. You may need to use the product once or twice a day for 1 to 2 weeks or longer.

If the infection is more serious or does not respond to topical treatment, then your doctor may prescribe oral medication. They are more effective, but can have side effects and cause damage especially to the liver.

The treatment kills the fungus quickly. But it can take months for the spots to disappear and for the skin to return to its normal color. Also, the infection may reappear after treatment.

When multicolored lichen appears in babies, a consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory before any treatment is undertaken.

How to prevent recurrence?

This disease can manifest itself with various symptoms, including rashes, hypersensitivity of the skin and even mild discomfort.

It is important to take measures to prevent the recurrence of lichen planus after its treatment to ensure healthy and clear skin.

  • Regular hygiene and skin care: One of the main steps towards preventing lichen variegation is regular skin hygiene. It is recommended to wash daily with mild soap and warm water. Gently dry the skin after each wash to prevent the accumulation of moisture that can promote the development of the fungal infection.
  • Using antifungal creams and shampoos: Antifungal products are extremely useful in preventing the recurrence of lichen variegated. Use antifungal creams or shampoos once a month as mentioned. This can help kill any fungal cells that may have survived the treatment.
  • Oral medications: In some cases, when lichen planus recurs frequently and becomes a chronic problem , the doctor may recommend oral medication. These drugs have a systemic effect and can help prevent relapses without causing side effects in the liver. But you should always consult your doctor before starting treatment with oral medications.
  • Drying and airing the skin: One of the key aspects of preventing lichen planus is maintaining dry skin. Fungal infections thrive on moist and warm skin, so it’s important to dry yourself after every shower or sweat. It is also helpful to let the skin breathe by wearing light and breathable clothing.
  • Avoidance of shared objects: Lichen variegated can be transmitted through direct contact with affected areas of skin. or through shared items such as towels, clothes or hairbrushes. To prevent the spread of infection, avoid sharing such items with other people, especially during an active infection.
  • Maintaining a healthy immunity: A healthy immunity can help the body you to deal with fungal infections more effectively. To maintain a healthy immune system, aim for a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise and stress reduction.
  • Monitor your skin: Carefully monitor your skin and if you notice any suspicious changes or symptoms, consult a dermatologist immediately. Early detection and treatment of lichen planus can prevent the development of the infection and its recurrence.

Preventing the recurrence of lichen planus requires attention and care of your skin.

Follow the above tips and consult your doctor to determine the most appropriate methods to prevent and treat this skin problem.

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