
Muscle strain

Muscle fever is a condition due to excessive straining of the muscles, which is also the reason for their overload and subsequently for the appearance of a painful sensation and discomfort.

It, as well as muscle inflammation, are very common and usually a person will encounter them many times in a lifetime. However, much controversy exists regarding the origin, etiology, and treatment of the condition.

What are the symptoms?

Usually the next morning or evening after an intense load on a certain group of muscles, a localized painful sensation appears.

This symptom is exacerbated if the same muscle group is over-strained again before the muscle pain has subsided.

Some scientists believe that intense exercise is the cause of the increase in lactic acid levels, and a more recent belief is that muscle fiber tears cause the painful sensations.

However, one thing is certain – 24-72 hours after the onset of symptoms, the affected area becomes inflamed. The pain usually goes away on its own after 3-5 days.

Treatment of muscle fever

Fortunately, there are a number of measures that can be taken to prevent and relieve symptoms:

Do not overload the muscles – with regular exercise, their strength increases gradually, but in order to avoid unpleasant pains and discomfort, increasing the intensity of the exercises should be done smoothly;

• If, however, you got carried away with the training and overworked the muscles, a hot bath or sauna will help you reduce the discomfort you will feel the next day or even in the evening.

• Taking aspirin right after a workout helps absorb lactic acid faster, so one theory suggests you could prevent muscle soreness.

After the painful sensations in the muscles have subsided, they are already adapted to a higher load intensity.

How to relieve muscle fever pain?

Any movement or procedure that increases blood flow to the muscles helps relieve pain.

More people are aware that continuing to perform the same exercises, but with a lower intensity of load, helps relieve pain. This method is really very effective.

But this should be done only after the sharpness of painful sensations has decreased.

Although immobilizing the muscle may make it more painful, you should refrain from any more intense work on that muscle group until the pain has subsided sufficiently.

Otherwise, you risk damaging your muscle tissue very seriously, especially if you haven’t given yourself enough rest time.

It is recommended that when painful sensations are localized in a certain muscle group, you start training another one that is not affected.

For example, if you’ve overtrained your arms and your biceps and triceps are sore, so you don’t waste time by not exercising, you can train your legs, since most exercises don’t require arms.

For the faster recovery of torn muscle fibers, various massage techniques are very useful. There is also a wide variety of gels that are used for this purpose.

To stimulate the muscle healing process, you can add to your daily menu foods containing larger amounts of proteins and carbohydrates.

Consumption of more sugar, honey and other foods such as bananas, watermelon and other fresh fruits will also aid the healing process.

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