
Nervous stomach

Nervous stomach is a common condition, but it does not represent a true clinical diagnosis. It is usually provoked by stress and anxiety.

Most people describe the condition of an upset stomach as butterflies fluttering around and inside the stomach

Most people associate it with indigestion due to bloating, change in bowel habits. And others describe him as having “knots” in his stomach and it seems to them that he has his own opinion.

And it has been scientifically proven that the function of the entire digestive system, including the stomach, is controlled by the enteric nervous system /ENS/, which is a kind of second brain, as it is more complex than the spinal cord and is consists of 100 million nerve cells.

Like the brain, the ENS produces chemical signaling substances called neurotransmitters that carry information from the stomach to the brain.

About 9 times more nerve signals are sent from the stomach to the brain than vice versa. In short, the stomach “tells” the brain that something is wrong, and this causes it to “freak out”.

What are the symptoms

The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, heartburn, frequent sweating, nausea, vomiting and upset stomach.

Other possible manifestations of nervous stomach are:

Acid Reflux

The level of stomach acids rises, which causes them to enter the esophagus, and this results in an unpleasant burning sensation in the throat and mouth. The condition can be extremely painful and in some cases is associated with anxiety. An attack of acid reflux usually lasts for several hours.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome /IBS/

Most doctors believe that the syndrome, including constipation, diarrhea and abnormal stools, is due to indigestion in the stomach. Although GERD is a common symptom of an upset stomach, it is not initiated by anxiety and stress, these conditions, however, exacerbate it;


Stomach ulcers are commonly thought to be the result of a stressful lifestyle. However, research shows that stomach ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection of the lining of the stomach. Anxiety can contribute to the development of ulcers, but they are caused by the ingestion of contaminated food and water.


The accumulation of gases, their more frequent release by belching or by flacculence are also characteristic symptoms of a nervous stomach. Although flacculence is an unpleasant and uncomfortable condition, it is not a serious health problem.

Treatment for nervous stomach

If you experience occasional symptoms of the condition, they can be alleviated with folk medicine and lifestyle changes aimed at improving digestive function. But if your symptoms are a daily occurrence or appear every week, you should seek medical help.

It is important to change the way you eat, you need to track every food you eat and then observe how it affects you. It is best to start keeping a food diary, in to record what you consume and how you feel afterwards.

Drinking carbonated drinks and milk, as well as foods with a high content of saturated fat such as beans, cabbage, broccoli can create conditions for the accumulation of gases in the digestive tract. Also, very spicy foods can cause stomach upset and worsen your condition and lead to an upset stomach.

And honey, fennel and cinnamon will relieve stomach symptoms and you should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily to calm the stomach and ensure the maintenance of normal bowel function .

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