


Paranoia is a mental condition characterized by an irrational and constant feeling of persecution.

In most cases, the affected person believes that a conspiracy is being organized against him, which is related to a perceived threat to his personal and property integrity.

The condition is accompanied by a feeling of intense anxiety and fear. This unfounded mistrust of other people can create an obstacle in establishing or maintaining lasting close relationships.

The mental condition can be a symptom of a number of mental disorders such as paranoid personality disorder, delusional disorder and schizophrenia.

The cause of the mental condition is not known, but it is thought to be possibly psychological.

What are the symptoms?

Paranoid symptoms can range from milder and harmless to very severe. They also depend on the cause, but a person is paranoid when:

• Can be easily offended;
• Has a very hard time trusting others;
• Can’t take any kind of criticism;
• Always on the defensive;< br/> • Is unable to make compromises;
• Is hostile and argues aggressively in conversation;
• Believes that other people speak badly behind his back;
He is overly suspicious – for example, that other people are trying to deceive him with lies and tricks;
• He cannot trust anyone;
• He believes that the whole world is a threat to him;
• Has difficulty interacting with people;
• Feels as if the whole world is after him;
• Believes in baseless “conspiracy” theories;

What are the causes?

The causes of the mental condition are not clear to medical science and depend on the mental disorder they are associated with.

There are several theories:

Genetic conditioning – however, research in this regard is scarce and inconclusive. Some studies find a genetic link, while others find none. It is also not clear whether, if there is a genetic predisposition at all, whether it is inherited or not.

Brain chemistry – brain chemicals – neurotransmitters, are the basis of human feelings and thoughts. Certain drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, and amphetamines alter neurotransmitter levels, and this can provoke paranoid thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This leads some scientists to believe that paranoia is due to a disorder of biochemical processes in the brain. The possible causes of this disorder are unknown.

Emotionally traumatic events in life – for example, sexual abuse or violence in childhood can be the cause of a lifelong change in the way of thinking and perception of the surrounding world.

Stress reaction – some studies have found that the mental condition is more common in people who are subjected to severe prolonged stress – for example, prisoners of war. How stress provokes the condition has not been established.

A complex of factors – for example, genetic predisposition and certain environmental risk factors can trigger paranoia.

Creating Paranoia

Although there is no way to completely eliminate the causes of the mental condition. Treatment will help the paranoid and their loved ones to control their symptoms, allowing them to lead happier and more productive lives.

Medications – antipsychotics can relieve some of the symptoms. However, the paranoid often refuses to take these drugs because he believes they can harm him.

Therapeutic sessions with a psychologist – they will help the affected person to cope with the symptoms and improve their ability to interact with others. But the paranoid is hardly inclined to talk freely and openly about his problem with a therapist, so progress with such therapy will be very slow.

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