

Rectocele develops when the thin wall of fibrous tissue /fascia/ that separates the rectum from the vagina weakens, allowing the vaginal wall to bulge.

This formation is called a rectocele because usually, though not always, the rectal wall bulges into the vagina.

Childbirth and other processes that put pressure on the fascia can cause a prolapse to form.

If it is small, it may not cause any complaints, but if it grows, it may form a tissue protrusion visible through the vaginal opening.

Although bloating can be annoying and unpleasant, it is rarely painful.

If necessary, independent treatment can be undertaken, or if it proves ineffective, it can be switched to other conservative methods. But in severe cases, surgical correction is necessary.

What are the symptoms?

If the prolapse is small, it is unlikely to cause any symptoms.

Otherwise, the following may be noticed:

• A soft tissue bulge in the vagina that may or may not extend through the vaginal opening.
• Difficulty defecating due to the need to press with the fingers on the vaginal bulge to push the stool out of the rectum;
• Sensation of pressure or swelling in the rectum;
• Feeling that the entire contents of the rectum are not released during defecation;
• Sexual problems such as discomfort during sex or lack of tone vaginal muscle tissue;

Many women with rectocele have other similar conditions such as:

• Cystocele – the front part of the vagina bulges, most often this is due to the wall of the bladder, from which a protrusion is formed in the front vaginal wall.

• Enterocele – the upper part of the vaginal wall is pressed down, forming a bulge, most often due to prolapse of the small intestine;

• Uterine prolapse – the uterine wall causes the vagina to slip;

What are the causes?

• Chronic constipation or strong straining during defecation;
• Chronic cough or bronchitis;
• Repeated lifting of heavy objects;
• Excessive weight or obesity;
• Pregnancy and childbirth increase the likelihood of posterior vaginal wall prolapse.

This is due to the fact that the muscles, tendons and fascia that support it stretch and weaken due to the growth of the fetus and the passage of the baby’s body at birth.

However, not all births develop a posterior vaginal wall prolapse, as many have very strong pelvic support muscles, fascia and tendons and will never develop a bulge.

In women who gave birth only by section, the risk of rectocele is lower. But it is also possible for women who have never given birth to also develop a prolapse.

Treatment of rectocele

In most cases, Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles are sufficient to achieve complete healing of posterior vaginal wall prolapse.

In order to avoid constipation, you should include enough vegetables in your daily menu, adding to this also drinking a lot of fluids.

You should also refrain from straining during bowel movements, trust the natural function of emptying the contents of the colon.

You should never lift heavy objects. If you have a cough, try to get it under control as soon as possible. Lose weight if you are overweight or obese.

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