
Red fruits and vegetables are useful or harmful

Recently, statements by some nutritionists have given us reasons to start doubting the previous reputation of healthy food.

Should we be afraid of tomatoes, of beets, try to choose greener apples, and the reason for all this is one and that is the allergy.

However, we from the team will try to restore the good name, as their benefit is actually huge.

1. Tomatoes

Last year, a cancer-preventing substance was discovered in these vegetables. And precisely for this reason, tomatoes should be present in the diet of every reasonable person, especially men.

In addition, they have been found to contain iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

They also contain magnesium, although in small quantities this mineral is important for maintaining the nervous and cardiovascular systems in good condition.

And as a conclusion about this vegetable – if a person wants to avoid cancer, live peacefully and his mind will always be in condition, then he should eat tomatoes.

2. Pomegranate

For centuries, this fruit has been considered the best means of improving the composition of the blood, but only recently has this been proven to be a delusion. Pomegranate has nothing to do with improving the quality of the blood, since there is practically no iron in it.

And in order for a person to get the necessary dose of this valuable mineral, he needs to eat 70 pieces of this fruit. On the other hand, there is a lot of vitamin C in the pomegranate. And in general, its vitamin and mineral composition is quite decent.

And not long ago, nutritionists began strongly recommending pomegranate as a potential means of lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. And that is why it is desirable for people with such health problems to consume it and it is possible to achieve results.

3. Beetroot

One of the most suitable foods for cleansing the intestines. It also restores them and their mucosa. Of course, this vegetable also has other useful properties.

For example, a compound betaine was found in it – a substance that prevents atherosclerosis by maintaining the tone of blood vessels. And if a person wants to have a healthy facial complexion, it is desirable to consume beets regularly.

4. Carrot

All nutritionists have recognized this vegetable as one of the most useful foods. A person only needs 12 grams of carrot per day to get his daily dose of vitamin A.

What’s more, this vegetable supports the absorption of proteins – even better than potatoes, and in this sense, the orange vegetable is considered an ideal side dish for meat and fish.

But the carrot has another useful property – it normalizes the metabolism. Therefore, if a person wants to have a slim figure, he should not forget to eat carrots.

5. Persimmon

If people are mistaken about the pomegranate, there is also scientific evidence regarding the persimmon that confirms its benefit for the hematopoietic process.

Vitamin A is present in the composition of these fruits, and in its pure form, and not as a provitamin, and therefore they are attributed anticancer properties, since axerophthol and retinol prevent cell mutations.

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