
Spring allergy

Spring allergy is a disease that in medicine refers to the field of allergology and is characterized by symptomatic manifestations that occur when various allergens appear in the air in spring.

Most often such allergens are pollens, which are released from plants blooming in the spring.

The mechanism of action of pollen or another spring allergen is usually this – through breathing, the pollen found in large concentrations in the air enters the body through the nose.

The immune system recognizes the foreign substance and activates its mechanism for the formation of antibodies, that is, cells that actively try to isolate the allergen.

After completing this task, the antibodies attach to the walls of the fat cells that are located inside the mucous membranes, that is, the mucous membranes. This mechanism is necessary to prevent allergic relapses.

What are the symptoms?

Most often, spring allergy is manifested by reddening of the skin surfaces, dilation of vessels and, as a consequence, runny nose and sneezing.

In such situations, it is necessary to seek specialized medical help, since the allergy is not treated, over the years it is possible to progress into bronchial asthma.

In more severe cases, lacrimation, night cough, nasal congestion, rashes all over the body are possible. Also, the symptoms of allergy can develop and manifest themselves through jumpy, constantly changing body temperature, myocarditis, gastritis.

As a result, a person’s immunity significantly weakens and his organism becomes an easy “target” for any infectious diseases. With such a symptomatic picture, it is very difficult to determine the true cause of the disease.


The diagnosis is made by a doctor specializing in allergology. During the first stage, the skin surfaces are examined and the patient’s complaints are heard.

After that, a skin test must be done – a small amount of the suspected allergen is introduced under the skin in order to detect the suspected allergens.

If redness and a blister appear at the injection site after some time, it means that the introduced allergen is actually causing an immune system reaction.

Also in the diagnosis of spring allergies, the method of radioallergosorbent analysis began to be widely and successfully applied. For this purpose, blood is taken from the patient.

And the main task of such research is the determination of the levels of antibodies that form in the body to isolate the given allergen.

Treatment of spring allergy

The main therapeutic method in these cases is medication. Most often, a positive effect is given by preparations that can easily be purchased in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.

They include:

• Those that eliminate allergic symptoms and lower blood levels of histamine concentrations – antihistamines.

• Those that block the swelling of the mucous membranes and thus facilitate the release of the nasal passages;

• Those that prevent the onset of hay fever and lower the levels of histamine formation – nasal medicines that contain sodium cromoglicate. Preparations are also used to reduce itching in the eyes and tearing.

If the above-mentioned preparations do not give the desired result and effect, the attending physician prescribes a more complex medicinal complex, for the purchase of which a prescription is required.

As it is also possible to prescribe a course with parenteral administration of medication in order to more quickly reduce and eliminate allergy symptoms.

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