

Stuttering – what do we know about it?

This condition is a speech disorder in which words, syllables or phrases are repeated or lengthened. The person who stutters may suddenly lose speech and stutter when saying a certain sentence, for example, or may not be able to pronounce certain vowels or consonants at all.

People who stutter often find that fatigue and stress make it difficult for them to speak easily, as well as in situations where they need to speak independently such as giving a public speech or teaching. Stutterers find that their speech impediment “eases” when they are relaxed.

We all tend to stutter when we are under a lot of mental stress. This can happen during a stressful pre-trial hearing, or in court during an examination as a witness, when the judge asks us confusing questions.

This problem most often occurs when children are learning to speak. But in most cases, children outgrow this speech disorder.

Stuttering is 3 times more common in boys than in girls. Sometimes cases of stuttering due to fear and stress are also available.

What are the symptoms of stuttering?

  • It begins when trying to speak a phrase, word or sentence;
  • The stutterer may stop speaking temporarily speak before making certain sounds;
  • Repeated repetition of sounds, words or syllables;
  • Stuttering also causes interrupted speech;
  • When pronouncing certain words, the words composing it can be replaced by others;
  • Rapid blinking when the stutterer tries to start speaking;
  • Lips quivering when trying to start speaking;
  • Movement of the legs can also accompany the stutterer’s attempts to speak;
  • Lips trembling when trying to start a conversation or when giving a speech to an audience;
  • Trembling jaw also when trying to start or during a conversation;
  • The stutterer may run out of breath in his attempts to speak, without to interrupt the speech;
  • Interjections extended “a” extended “m” are often used when trying to pronounce some sounds;

Treatment of stuttering

Treatment involves the stutterer learning behavioral strategies that facilitate oral communication.

Controlling the rate of speaking is one possible way to control stuttering. It can consist of reading a text, where the stutterer pronounces the words very slowly while trying to pronounce them smoothly.

In most cases, the unnecessary lengthening of certain sounds is the result of the speaker needing to take a breath. With practice, the person learns to speak fluently and at a higher rate of speaking words and longer sentences and phrases.

Learning long-term breath control practices is also very important to eliminate stuttering. Added to these practices is the acquisition of skills for proper articulation of the lips and jaw when speaking.

To avoid stuttering in children and adults when giving speeches in front of a large audience, it is useful to first give the speech in front of close people, for example in front of family members or in front of a mirror.

And to pronounce the words correctly and avoid fumbling, it is good to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mouth, for example, put a cork in the mouth and start trying to read.

How to treat stuttering with therapy

Another way to treat this disorder is through problem-modifying therapy, which aims to identify the stutterer’s feelings at the time of stuttering, such as fear and anxiety, and the therapist helps to overcoming fear and anxiety.

Stuttering therapy is a complex and individually focused process that aims to help stutterers improve their speech and reduce stuttering symptoms. </p >

One of the key aspects of therapy is problem-modifying therapy, which focuses on understanding and managing the emotional and psychological aspects associated with stuttering.

When it comes to problem modifying therapy for stuttering, it is based on the following principles:

  1. Exploring the emotional context: The therapist works with the patient to understand and identify the emotional factors that may be causing stuttering. This includes studying situations in which stuttering occurs frequently, as well as the sensations and thoughts associated with it.
  2. Stress and Anxiety Management Techniques: Stuttering is often associated with stress and anxiety. The therapist teaches the patient various stress management techniques that can help reduce stuttering. These techniques include deep breathing, meditation and relaxation.
  3. Working with senses and sensations: Therapy also focuses on the physical aspects of stuttering. This may include exercises to improve breathing technique, facial expressions and voice melody.
  4. Self-awareness and self-acceptance: Through therapy, patients can develop better self-awareness and self-acceptance. This helps them deal more effectively with stress and anxiety, which can exacerbate stuttering.
  5. Gradual healing and support: Therapy for stuttering is often a process that requires time and effort. Therapists provide constant support and motivation to patients to help them develop new habits and improve their communication skills.

Stuttering therapy is performed by licensed therapists and requires an individual approach to each patient. It is important to understand that treatment can be a long and ongoing process, but with the right support and commitment from the patient, significant improvements can be achieved.

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