
The benefit of creativity – is it true that art prolongs life

They say that creative people live longer. Among the famous writers, musicians, artists there are quite a few long-livers.

What explains this phenomenon?

Doctors say for sure – we live as much as we want to live. If a person is aware of why he is on this earth, he may leave sooner than expected if, for example, a tile falls on his head.

Long life is the result of having a purpose, most gerontologists – the scientists concerned with the problems of aging – are convinced. Researchers know quite a few cases when people felt the need to literally get up from their deathbed.

There is also a scientific explanation for such cases. Motivation causes fundamental biological transformations in the body, which mobilize defense forces and release reserves, although the reserves of most systems of the human body are calculated for 95-98 years.

There are quite a few long-timers among those who strive to bring their life’s work to an end – to publish a book, to finish their scientific work, to organize an exhibition of paintings.

This is partly explained by the fact that creativity activates areas of the brain that regulate the function of the endocrine system, which is directly related to aging.

Finally, a person who is engrossed in his own things usually pays little attention to such trifles as domestic stress and conflict, which shorten the lifespan the most.

Or he treats all problems philosophically, clearly separating the main from the minor. Such psychological “hygiene” is a powerful factor that strengthens health and prolongs life.

Here are some examples that can confirm the connection between art activities and life expectancy:

Elisaveta Bagryana – 98 years – 1893 – 1991 – according to literary critics, through her works, the woman for the first time in Bulgarian literary creativity reveals her true and frank essence. Elisaveta Bagryana is defined as an innovator in Bulgarian literature, and her high poetic culture is the reason why her works have a huge impact.

• Dora Gabe – 95 years – 1888 – 1983 – developed her literary talent in the field of children’s literature. Her children’s books quickly became favorites of several generations of Bulgarian children and deservedly belong to the heritage of children’s literary creativity. And from the last years of the First World War until the very end of his life, he also carried out a very active translation activity.

• Valeri Petrov – 94 years – 1920 – 2014 is one of the most productive Bulgarian poets, and is also a playwright and translator. He is known to generations of Bulgarian children with his children’s books. And practically there is no citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria who is not familiar with his work.

• Leo Tolstoy – 82 years – 1828 – 1910. One of the most productive writers – /the academic edition of his works is more than 50 volumes/, author of numerous famous works, many of which entered the list of the 100 best books of all time, including the world-famous novels “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”.

• Charlie Chaplin – 88 years – 1889-1977 – film actor, screenwriter, composer, director, gained great popularity in silent cinema. Three-time Oscar winner.

• Michelangelo Buenarroti – 89 years old – 1475-1564 – Italian sculptor, painter, architect, thinker.

• Pablo Picasso – 92 years – 1881-1973 – Spanish painter, sculptor and designer, founder of Cubism. Created more than 14 thousand works.

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