
The Top 5 Biggest Conception Myths

The knowledge of ancient Chinese sages and the diets of French scientists are powerless in planning the sex of the future child.
Since ancient times, married couples dreaming of having a child of a certain gender resorted to the application of various tricks.

And in the XXI century, some of the future parents still use the ancient Chinese methods, lunar calendars and other, often too far from modern science, theories.

1. MYTH #1 – the ancient Chinese method and the Japanese tables

Although most women with the birth of their children disprove these famous tables, they still remain popular. In addition, Chinese scientists claim that by applying the ancient Chinese method, an accuracy of 98% is achieved.

The sex of the future child is determined with the help of a table that was used in ancient China, combining two values ​​- the age of the future mother and the month of conception.

Another method originating from the Far East consists in planning the sex of the future child already with the help of 2 tables. In the first table, using the birth months of both parents, the so-called family number is found.

Already in the second table, the obtained value shows in which months of the year the chances of conceiving a boy or a girl are the greatest.

2. MYTH #2 – the theory of blood renewal

According to some scientists, blood has the property of renewing itself at certain time intervals, and the periodicity of this process depends on the sex of the person. For example, in women the blood is renewed once every 3 years, and in men once every 4 years.

It is assumed that the state of the blood changes from a maximum at the beginning of the time cycle to a minimum at its end. According to this theory, if the blood was last renewed in the father, a boy is born and vice versa.

Planning the sex of the future child is possible with the help of mathematical calculations, dividing the age of each of the future parents by 3 or 4, respectively, and thus determining which blood is younger.

Supporters of the method suggest that the younger blood will also determine the sex of the future child. If the result is the same or equal to zero, then it is assumed that there is a high probability of the birth of twins.

3. MYTH #3 – the theory of leadership

Quite far from modern science is the so-called theory of leadership, according to which the sex of the child is influenced by the relationship of spouses in the family. Because in families where the leadership position belongs to the father, a daughter is most often born and vice versa.

This is explained by the fact that when the feminine principle is suppressed, nature “orders itself” to restore the balance and accordingly a girl is born.

4. MYTH #4 – French diet

This method appeared thanks to French scientists who studied the peculiarities of nutrition in families where only girls or only boys are born. Thus, they found that the parents of boys preferred foods rich in potassium and sodium, and those of girls – in calcium and magnesium.

5. MYTH #5 – the influence of stress

Recent research conducted by American scientists from the University of Berkeley shows that during periods of stress and upheaval, girls are born.

They made these conclusions by observing the birth rate in Japan after the strong earthquake in March 2011 – in areas close to the epicenter, more girls were born, while in remote provinces, similar trends were not observed.

The father is responsible for the gender, not the child

The above methods are not supported by any scientific evidence.

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