
Weight loss tips from naturally thin people

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from 15 years of professional practice, it’s that weight management is about more than counting calories.

This is shared by Cynthia Saas, MD and specialist in dietary nutrition.

Besides the genetic burden, there are a number of factors that day after day, for weeks, determine the shape and size of our body.

Many of these habits of “naturally thin” people aren’t the result of deliberate effort, but you can consciously practice them in your quest to reach your optimal weight.

Over time, they will become second nature to you and work for you. Cynthia Saas recommends several steps that she guarantees can lead to weight loss without dieting.

Research shows that people who move more burn about 350 calories extra per day, which is equivalent to a one-hour walk at a speed of about 6 kilometers per hour.

If you are one of those people who constantly cross their legs or speak with gestures, start building a purposeful daily exercise system.

Stand up straight while talking on the phone or communicating ideas. Get up from your desk every hour to pour yourself some water, stretch, or just walk around the room, park as far away as possible and take the stairs over the elevator.

It may seem like a compulsive activity at first, but if you keep at it, you’ll soon feel weird not doing it. For one of Cynthia Saas’s clients, this has resulted in more than just weight loss. He’s unleashed a flood of creativity, which makes perfect sense, given that movement improves circulation.

A recent study claims that less congestion leads to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

We have become a nation of multitaskers, including eating while driving, walking, talking on the phone, watching TV, or even at the office desk, while they work.

The other day I saw a woman shopping in the supermarket, pushing the cart in front of her and eating while talking on the phone, says Cynthia Saas. Even if multitasking is efficient, people who eat calmly and without distraction fill themselves up with less food.

Remember when you were a kid eating ice cream in a cone – you were so engrossed in it that you didn’t even let out a gasp of delight until you had eaten the last bite.

Some adults retain this depth and, according to the study, if it resumes, it can lead to eating up to 300 fewer calories, which would be enough to lose two numbers for a year.

To this end, devote yourself to eating without doing anything else, even just once a day. Take two or three deep breaths and start eating, giving your attention to the aroma and taste of the food.

Much like yoga or meditation, this daily exercise can greatly increase your overall concentration, a benefit that will result in you reducing the amount of food you eat and multiplying your enjoyment of it.

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