
Who is threatened by prostatitis?

Prostatitis is the most widespread of urological diseases. Among the most at-risk groups of the male population are committed bachelors, office workers and men over the age of 35.

The only way to prevent the unpleasant complications of prostatitis is the annual preventive examination by a urologist in order to detect and start the treatment of the disease in time and to take bioregulators of the prostate – natural preparations that protect the prostate from inflammation.

Bachelors in danger

Men who do not have a regular sex life are at the greatest risk of prostatitis. In the prostate gland, there are tiny ducts in which a specific secretion is formed, which is a component of the seminal fluid.

Contents of the ducts of the prostate are released into the pyocococcal tract during ejaculation. Therefore, the lack of regular ejaculations and erections that do not end with the discharge of seminal fluid lead to stagnation of secretions and the development of inflammation of the prostate gland.

A lot – does not mean good

However, excessive “lovingness”, especially frequent change of intimate partners does not bode well in terms of health – one of the main risk factors for the disease chronic prostatitis – is spent /and especially untreated or undertreated /urethritis – a sexually transmitted disease.

Gonorrhea is the best known among urethritis.

But this disease has such strong symptoms that it rarely goes unnoticed. However, in recent years, so-called non-specific urethritis has spread – inflammation of the urinary tract, which is caused by other microorganisms or viruses.

Often, the manifestations of such uretitis are less pronounced than in gonorrhea. Therefore, there is a very high risk that a man will not pay attention to minor burning during urination and pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which subsequently progresses to chronic urethritis.

In addition, in women, non-specific urethritis can occur practically without symptoms, and the infection can be “transmitted” during unprotected sex, even with a permanent partner.

Office problems

Men who spend a significant part of their time in a sitting position are also more likely to get prostatitis. These days, alas, many professions fall into the risk groups – from programmers and office workers to drivers.

When we are sitting, blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis deteriorates. Over time, this leads to impaired venous blood flow, swelling and inflammation of the prostate.

Therefore, it is useful for all men leading a sedentary lifestyle to do special exercises that improve blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis – the muscles of the anus should be tightened, held in this position for a few seconds, and then relax.

This exercise needs to be done every hour several dozen times – it may seem that this is practically impossible, but very quickly a person builds a habit and the exercises are performed almost automatically. In addition to the exercise described above, one should not forget to also get up from the chair for a short time every hour.

Men suffering from varicose veins are also in the risk group – this is predominantly a “female” disease, but it also occurs in men. With varicose veins, the blood circulation of the organs of the small pelvis is also disturbed.

Coffee and cigarettes

One of the main risk factors for the development of prostatitis is smoking and alcohol abuse, strong coffee and fatty, spicy and baked food. The products of their breakdown irritate the urinary tract, which increases the risk of developing inflammation of the prostate.

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