
Why men are happier than women

The British organization Benenden Health recently conducted a survey among the residents of Great Britain, in the course of which it was found that representatives of the stronger sex are generally more satisfied with their lives compared to the weaker sex. Men showed a higher level of satisfaction than women in 7 out of 12 areas covered in the survey.

Men were more likely to say that they were satisfied with their job, with their salary, with their income level, with their career, with their body weight and finally with their relationships with other people.

In turn, women expressed high satisfaction in such areas as health, love, family, intimate sphere and place of residence.
Where does this difference come from? This is obvious – for the strong, the areas related to finances, career growth, and professional self-realization are the priorities.

They allow him to take the appropriate place in the social hierarchy. Since status is not so important for women, interpersonal relationships are more important to them.

According to generally accepted notions, a decent man should occupy a high social position and be financially successful, and a self-respecting woman should have a prosperous personal life, family and children.

Even if everything in a man’s personal life is fine and he has a family and is a happy father, but he has not been able to achieve the status he wants, he will suffer.

The woman who has made a successful career but has suffered a fiasco in her personal relationships, despite her seemingly high self-esteem, will also feel that she has gone wrong somewhere and has failed.

Men often do not attach much importance to such things as health or residence. They are also less critical of their weight and appearance and see fewer nuances in their relationships with others.

For women, health is essential, they are more interested in medicine and go to the doctor more often. The fairer sex is more interested in the place where they live, they try as much as possible to arrange their home and make it more attractive.

Furthermore, women are able to experience their imperfect appearance due to weight gain very hard because, from their point of view, it makes them less competitive in terms of managing their personal lives.

Most men don’t worry about how they look because it just doesn’t cross their minds. Finally, most women perceive disagreements with their girlfriends, neighbors or colleagues more deeply, which makes them less satisfied with relationships with others compared to men, who see everything more simply.

The results of the sociological survey showed that, on average, adults in the UK rate their life satisfaction level at 64%, which is quite high.

“Given the pessimistic economic forecasts, the need for financial constraints that everyone is suffering from and the unpleasant weather, it is pleasing to find that the mood in Britain is mostly positive…” – notes one of the authors of the poll Paul Keenan.

Scientists suggest that similar results would be obtained when polling citizens of other countries, as despite emancipation and feminization, they generally did not lead to any change in people’s millennial priorities.

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