
Words can make you sick

Scientists have proven that the word has a direct influence on the structure of the DNA molecules, and therefore on the person as a whole.

What vocabulary a person has, what is his vocabulary, such is his life.

From time to time there are debates in society about whether one should swear. Scientists claim that profanity literally cuts into the genetic apparatus, as a result of which mutations are carried out, which from generation to generation lead to degeneration.

When a person constantly curses, their chromosomes break and bend, and genes change places. As a result, the DNA begins to develop unnatural programs, so gradually the message of self-destruction is transmitted to the offspring.

An experiment with “irradiation” of plant seeds with words was carried out for many years. Almost all the seeds died, and the survivors turned into genetic freaks. These monsters carried many diseases that were inherited. After several generations, their offspring completely degenerated.

Scientists discovered an interesting fact: the mutagenic effect did not depend on the strength of the word, it could be pronounced loudly or in a whisper.

The scientists’ conclusion is the following: certain words have an informational impact on DNA rather than energy. The opposite experiment was also conducted. The researchers “blessed” the seeds, which were killed by powerful radioactive exposure.

As a result, messed up genes, broken chromosomes and DNA helices returned to their original places and the dead seeds came back to life.

Skeptics are skeptical of these conclusions. How can common words affect heredity? Our idea of ​​the genetic apparatus as composed only of chemical substances is outdated.

In order to build a living organism from DNA, much more complex constructions are required. The human program is encoded in the physical fields that are created around the chromosomes and have a holographic construction.

All the information about the past, present and future of the organism in a concentrated form is contained at every point of the wave genome. The DNA molecules exchange this information via electromagnetic waves, including acoustic light waves.

Today scientists have learned to charge DNA with the energy of light and sound. By emitting certain genetic programs, they stimulate the body’s reserve capabilities.

The conclusion is clear – DNA perceives human speech. Her “ears” are perfectly adapted to pick up sound vibrations. Pushkin once wrote to his wife: “Do not pollute your soul by reading French novels…”

One may smile at this recommendation of the genius, but scientists have discovered that even silent reading reaches the cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, another traumatizes it.

The famous physicist Piotr Garyaev believes that with the help of verbal thought forms, a person creates his genetic apparatus. For example, a child inherits from his parents a deforming program and begins to curse and curse. Thus it destroys itself and its environment, both social and psychological. This is passed down from generation to generation.

So your genetic apparatus doesn’t care what books you read. Everything is sealed in the wave genome, that is, in the wave genetic program, which changes in one direction or another the heredity and program of each cell. One word can cause an incurable disease, and another can heal a person.

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