
10 Cancer Symptoms Not to Be Underestimated

Be careful – it is possible to ignore the cancer symptoms right now.

This disease has the lowest possible survival rate, if diagnosed early, a person has a much better chance of being cured or living longer.

A study by Cancer Research U.K. proves that 50% of older people at least once in their life felt symptoms characteristic of cancer, but only 2% of them associated them with this particular disease.

“We’re not sure why, but there seems to be a big gap between what people know in practice about cancer and how they treat it themselves,” said study co-author Dr Katrina Whittaker of University College London.

“Thus, no matter how severe these symptoms are, very few people admit that cancer is the cause of them,” she adds.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of carcinoma in the body.

1. Persistent cough

A persistent cough often indicates that something is wrong with your respiratory system. But if it lasts too long, or is accompanied by expectoration of blood, then it’s a different story.

“Most types of cough are not caused by cancer, but certainly a persistent cough should be carefully diagnosed to rule out a disease such as lung cancer,” says Teresa Bartolomeo Bevers, professor of clinical cancer prevention and medical director of the Cancer Prevention Center at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

She advises that if you have a persistent cough, you should immediately get a scan or an MRI because it could save your life.

2. Change in bowel habits

A change in bowel habits can be more than just an unpleasant ailment. According to Teresa Bartolomeo Bevers, a change in bowel habits can be an early symptom of colon cancer.

Difficult defecation may mean that there are accumulations that interfere with normal transit in the intestines. But in all cases, the doctor should recommend a colonoscopy to clarify the condition, recommends Prof. Bevers.

3. Persistent changes in urination

How often do you urinate? What does your urine look like, what color is it, is it clear? The answers to these questions can be very helpful if you should be diagnosed with cancer.

If there is blood in your urine, it could be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer . The good news is that blood in the urine is most often due to a urinary tract infection, says Teresa Bartolomeo Bevers.

4. Unexplained pain

Pain is generally not a characteristic symptom of cancer, but when it lasts for a long time, the picture may be different. At the very least, the pain, based on where and how often you feel it, should be evaluated by a medical professional.

“Most types of pain are not due to cancer, but persistent pain should always be investigated by doctors,” says Prof Bevers.

“For example, if you complain of a headache for a long time, this does not mean that you have a brain tumor, but it is good for a doctor to exclude this possibility,” says the scientist.

And he adds: “Persistent chest pain can be a symptom of lung cancer, and pain in the abdominal area – of an ovarian tumor“.

In any case, it is good to be aware of why you are experiencing pain. Otherwise, you are putting your health and life at risk.

5. Change in appearance of moles

Moles can also be a symptom of cancer. If you notice a new mole, or see that an old mole has changed its shape, size or structure, consult a dermatologist immediately.

6. Inflammation that doesn’t go away

Our body has the ability to heal itself. But if you suffer from any inflammation that does not go away for more than three weeks, consult a doctor. Such persistent inflammation can be a sign of carcinoma.

7. Unexpected bleeding

A characteristic symptom of cancer of the cervical canal can be vaginal bleeding outside of the normal monthly cycle. Bleeding from the rectum, on the other hand, can be a sign of colon cancer.

Just remember – any unexpected bleeding should be discussed with your GP.

8. Sudden Weight Loss

Sudden weight loss, unless you’re dieting or exercising hard, should always be a red light.

Most mature people are trying to lose weight, but if this happens without any effort, it could be a sign of a serious health problem, warns Teresa Bartolomeo Bevers. Most tumors, she recalls, cause sudden weight loss.

9. Presence of a lump

If you come across a lump when examining your body, no matter how small, you should see a doctor. A lump in the breast in women and in the testicles in men are often a symptom of breast or prostate cancer.

10. Difficulty swallowing

Prolonged difficulty swallowing food is an important warning sign of a possible tumor. Two types of cancer are commonly associated with difficulty swallowing – neck and esophageal cancer.

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