
10 tips for people with varicose veins

Varicose veins are a condition that affects the superficial venous system. Some doctors recommend surgery, others drugs, but there are several natural methods for home treatment of varicose veins used in Russian folk medicine.

Use garlic oil

Garlic is known for its ability to reduce inflammation and other symptoms of varicose veins. It improves blood circulation and removes toxins from blood vessels.

Every evening, take some garlic oil with your fingers and gently rub the affected area. Put a plastic bag on top and wrap well with a warm woolen cloth. The next morning, rinse well and put on pants or tights to keep the affected area warm. This procedure is repeated every night. Regular application of this medicine will give you significant results within just a few months.

How to make garlic oil? We need 6 cloves of garlic, 3 oranges and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Chop the garlic and put it in a clean jar. Juice the oranges and add to the jar. Then add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Leave the mixture for 12 hours before using it. It should be shaken well before each use.

Rub apple cider vinegar into the skin

Apple cider vinegar has been shown to be effective in treating varicose veins because it is a powerful cleansing agent. It improves blood flow and reduces swelling.

Take a piece of cotton and dip it in the apple cider vinegar. Gently rub it into the problem area. Apply this regimen at least twice a day. This treatment works best if you do it in the morning and at night. You should see some improvements within a month.

Nettle tea

You need 200 milliliters of water and one tablespoon of fresh nettle leaves. Simmer over low heat until it boils. Cool the tea and drink it three times a day, before meals. Drink the nettle tea at least within six months.

Cellulose-rich food

The best preventative measure against varicose veins is a sufficient amount of cellulose in food. The full, unemptied intestine presses on the veins in the abdominal cavity, and through them the increased pressure is transferred to the veins of the legs.

Avoid the sun and hot baths

Avoid hot baths and prolonged exposure to the sun. This pre-call weakening of the walls of the veins and stagnation of blood in them.

Walk every day

Brisk walking for 15 minutes 4 times a day helps the veins work so they can more easily send blood to the heart.

Regular bowel movements

Be careful about regular emptying of the colon. Difficult bowel movements increase the pressure in the venous system of the legs and have a long-term effect on the development of varicose veins.

Don’t wear socks with elastics

Don’t use three-quarter socks, socks with elastics or anything else that tightens the legs, leaves visible marks on the skin and that restricts your normal blood circulation in the lower limbs .


Swimming is an ideal sport for people who suffer from varicose veins. The hydrostatic pressure of the water helps the muscles to push the blood towards the heart and the limbs are relaxed. Swimming involves the lungs, heart and a large group of muscles.

Don’t sit cross-legged

Sitting cross-legged is inappropriate because it restricts free blood circulation. Try to walk barefoot, as this improves blood flow and helps exercise the leg muscles.

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