
10 tips to change your eating habits

Trying to lose weight?

You have to start from the kitchen. Making small changes to your diet will help you achieve better results.

First, you need to determine how many kilos you want to lose and what is the optimal weight you are aiming for.

Keep junk food at the bottom of the fridge to avoid temptation.

Here are some tips from nutritionist Julie Upton that will help you change your eating habits and achieve the figure you’ve long dreamed of.

  1. Use measuring cups

Every kitchen has measuring cups that show how many grams or milliliters the product is.

These cups will help you measure the exact amount of food you need to take. The other option is to get a kitchen scale.

  1. Eat plant-based foods

When planning your diet, choose plant-based foods. This means that your food should always have a plant like quinoa, barley, whole wheat pasta or oats.< /p>

Then you can add proteins. When a meal is built this way, it will provide the right balance and variety in your daily diet.

  1. Replace sugar with fruit purees

Reduce the amount of refined sugar and sweeteners in your treats< /strong>. This can easily be achieved with fruit purees.

You can use a variety of fruits, including bananas, apples, pears, dates, figs, or even grapes.

  1. Follow the 10:1 Rule

Harvard researchers recommend choosing whole grains that have one gram of fiber for every ten grams of carbohydrates. Not only do these whole grains have the right ratio, they also tend to be the healthiest choices. They have less added sugar, which is good for your body.

  1. Clean out your kitchen

One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to clean out the junk foods that lurking in your kitchen cupboards, fridge and freezer.

Once you’ve gotten rid of them, you can replace them with healthy options- fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein- so you don’t feel deprived.

  1. Weigh yourself every Friday

If you use a scale, this trick can only motivate you. Friday is a great day to weigh yourself because that’s generally the day you weigh less.

This habit can also help you stay focused on your weekend diet.

  1. Prepare your own meals

Meals that are prepared away from home have more calories, fat and sodium than home-cooked meals .

Eating out just once a day can add up to several pounds a year. You can save 134 calories from each meal if you eat at home instead of ordering takeout.

  1. Sleep more to lose more weight

Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep tend to eat more fat, to get enough energy. Try to sleep at least 7 to 9 hours a day.

  1. Plan your meals

Over the weekend plan your meals for the week ahead. You can do your basic shopping during your free time and then prepare all the healthy recipes.

  1. Don’t consume alcohol

Alcohol is one of the worst diet breakers. Not only is it high in calories, but it also stimulates your appetite and weakens your willpower.

It affects areas of the brain that make high-calorie foods seem irresistible.

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