
11 healing properties of marijuana

The healing properties of medical marijuana are far more comprehensive and long-term than previously thought.

Because of the way it affects the autonomic nervous system and because of the highly rejuvenating effect of cannabinoids, marijuana’s potential for maintaining excellent health and treating a wide range of ailments is enormous. And these properties of hers have remained underappreciated by mass-applied medicine.

1. Cancer

The American Association for Cancer Research has confirmed that marijuana actually significantly slows the growth of malignant neoplasms in the lungs and brain.

2. Seizures and convulsions

Marijuana acts as a muscle relaxant and has antispasmodic properties, which is why it has proven to be a very effective remedy for seizures and convulsions.

3. Migraine

Doctors from the state of California, USA report that they were able to cure more than 300,000 cases of migraine, for which conventional medicine has no cure, with marijuana.</ p>

4. Glaucoma

The treatment of glaucoma with marijuana is the most extensively documented. There is not a single actual study that disproves the highly effective effects of the plant as a glaucoma remedy.

5. Tourette’s Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Just as marijuana has a healing effect on seizures and multiple sclerosis, the medicinal plant has alleviated or delayed the onset of tics in people who suffer of Tourette syndrome and in those suffering from OCD who often experience intrusive neurological symptoms.

6. Multiple Sclerosis

The effect of the healing plant in multiple sclerosis patients became more widely known after the former TV presenter Montel Williams began to use it for treatment on himself. Marijuana works by preventing the neurological symptoms and muscle spasms that accompany the sometimes fatal disease.

7. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

A well-documented University of South Carolina study done about a year ago showed that marijuana is not only the best alternative to Ritalin but it treats the disorder without any from the negative side effects of pharmaceutical products.

8. Irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease

The medicinal plant has proven its effectiveness in chronic diseases, as it prevents characteristic symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

9. Alzheimer’s disease

Although it became known that marijuana positively affects brain functions, In 2006. tetrahydrocannabinol, found in the medicinal plant, was found to prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease by blocking advanced glycation end products – proteins with a sugar molecule without an available enzyme to control the interaction processes that destroy the brain neurons.

10. Premenstrual syndrome /PMS/

The medicinal plant is useful for relieving the pain and symptoms associated with PMS in women.

11. Autoimmune Diseases

A recent study from the University of South Carolina presented evidence that the main compound found in the cannabis plant, from which marijuana is produced – tetrahydrocannabinol /THC/ may be beneficial in humans, suffering from autoimmune diseases. The scientists leading the study report that marijuana may suppress inflammation and in the future become a tool to fight inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

During the study, scientists injected laboratory rats with THC and analyzed their micro-RNA structures, which are small molecules. They regulate gene expression and are affected by THC. 13 out of 609 micro-RNAs studied by the scientists were strongly affected by the tetrahydrocannabinol contained in marijuana

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