
11 ways to get rid of back pain

Back pain can be incredibly uncomfortable, but also cause you to spend long sleepless nights.

Sometimes serious treatment is necessary, but if you follow these 11 tips, you can significantly relieve symptoms.

Sleep properly

You risk entering a vicious circle: back pain prevents you from sleeping, but poor sleep also leads to back pain. It is best to sleep on one side, with a pillow between the knees.

This will create the necessary support for the back and at the same time reduce the load on it. If you are only comfortable sleeping on your back, place the pillow under your knees. And beware of overly soft mattresses.

Maintain your back posture

You’ve heard it a thousand times: slouching is bad. Bad posture makes back pain worse, especially if you’ve been sitting for a long time. Do not bend low over the keyboard.

Sit up, relax your shoulders and lean back. Try placing a pillow or folded towels between your waist and the back of the chair. The steps must be level.

Over-the-counter medications

There are two main groups of over-the-counter pain relievers suitable for treating back pain: NSAIDs (such as aspirin, ibuprofen and others) and paracetamol.

Discuss regular intake of these medications with your doctor. To make progress, the pills must be combined with other treatments.

Prescription drugs

Some people need stronger pain relievers or antispasmodics that are only available with a prescription. When asking for a prescription, be sure to list the medications you are taking with your doctor to avoid the harmful effects of incorrect drug combinations.

Physical Therapy Specialist

A physiotherapist doctor will show you how to sit, stand and move to minimize back strain . The specialist will show you exercises that will strengthen the muscular system.

If a person works on the strength, elasticity and endurance of the back, the pain subsides. But that takes time.

The Insidiousness of Bed Rest

Doctors usually prescribe bed rest for back pain, but scientists have proven that this is a false path. It can even make the pain worse and cause further complications.

It is important to get out of bed and slowly start moving, it is best to do exercises like swimming, walking or yoga to get rid of the pain.

Heat and cold for pain

To reduce pain and inflammation, ice wrapped in a towel is applied several times a day for 20 minutes. A few days later, the therapy is replaced by a warm one – to relax the muscles and increase blood circulation in the affected areas.

The same effect can be achieved by taking a warm bath. And don’t forget the precautions: in order not to burn yourself, never fall asleep during the procedure!


Recent research confirms that regular massage for 10 weeks improves the health of people with chronic back pain.

The effect is maintained for 6 months, and sometimes throughout the year. Alternatively, you can seek the help of a chiropractor. A certified specialist will help relieve pain and restore mobility.

Stimulation of the nervous system

There are several physiotherapy methods for treating pain by stimulating nerve cells and fibers. Through electrostimulation with the help of special pads on the back and the impact of weak electrical impulses, the transmission of the pain signal can be blocked. If traditional methods do not help, the doctor may recommend an acupuncture session.


Don’t be surprised that we recommend you consult a therapist for back pain. Studies show that cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in the treatment of back pain in the short and long term.

Invasive methods

In severe cases, more serious intervention may be required – from corticosteroid injections to full or partial removal of intervertebral discs. But like other surgical interventions, this procedure carries some risk, so you shouldn’t go that far without a good reason.

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