
24 Hour Healthy Living Plan

Whether you have any health issues or just need a push in the right direction, this one-day plan will help you make your life better.

  1. What to do in the morning

After waking up: The benefits of lemon juice are a lot, so a good option to start your day is with hot water and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

“In addition to the high amount of vitamin C, warm water with lemon can stimulate the digestive tract,” said Dr. Frank Lipman, a specialist in integrative medicine .

Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day – hydration is key to healthy detoxification.

Before breakfast: In detox, intense workouts are not recommended, but still important to stay in shape.

If you’re feeling a bit sluggish, there’s no better way than yoga to wake up your body. This is done in about three minutes and will help you recharge your body for the rest of the day.

Breakfast: Make your day successful by eating food that will satisfy you without being heavy on your body. For example, with a strawberry shake recipe that you will love. Since the drink contains fiber, it will definitely help you get things going.

Another option is the recipe for a low-calorie shake, which contains ingredients to ease digestion and eliminate the unpleasant feeling of bloating. Both recipes contain about 300 calories.

Lunch Break: Most people drink a cup of coffee on their lunch breaks. Although it is recommended to give up caffeine during detox, sometimes this is not possible.

Instead of a cup of coffee, you can choose green tea, as it is rich in antioxidants and stimulates metabolism.

If you feel like you need a small snack before lunch, grab a fiber-rich apple.

  1. Tips for lunch

Use this time to supply your body with the nutrients it needs. Another important factor is movement, because this way your body will function better.

Get up from your desk often to walk around the office (every 30 minutes is recommended). If you don’t have that option, just look away from the computer for a while to give your eyes a rest.

We recommend that you choose a soup that is rich in fiber or a cabbage salad that contains heart-healthy fats.

You can finish your meal with some clean protein. After lunch, it is recommended to take a 20-30 minute walk.

  1. The evening menu

Relax! Before standing in front of the TV, take a shower to relax after a busy day at work. This will also help to relieve your body and the pain will go away.

Dinner is the best time to relax and eat healthy food. Clean proteins and fresh vegetables should prevail.

Fish is a good choice because it is rich in fiber, protein and vitamins, and it also takes only about 20 minutes to prepare.

Instead of having dinner in front of the TV, sit at a table to take your time and enjoy the food. You will find that the food you eat will taste much better this way.

In conclusion, it can be said that an important role is played not only by food and movement, but also by quality sleep, so try to sleep 8-9 hours a day.

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