
4 Simple Eating Habits That Improve Digestion

Nutrition is a completely natural way by which we provide our body with the necessary substances to be able to function normally.

However, low-quality food and our modern eating habits compromise the processes of digestion, which is a prerequisite for the development of a number of diseases.

To feel much better after eating, you can make some changes that are very easy to implement. But through them you will ensure optimal digestion.

Chew food thoroughly

Digestion begins as soon as food enters the mouth. When you chew, you mechanically break down food.

And the enzymes that are secreted by the salivary and parotid glands initiate the processes of chemical digestion of food.

Most people chew each bite of food between 7 and 14 times, significantly less than the recommended 30-50 times, to mix food well with saliva and ensure optimal digestion.

As a result of our bad eating habits, the first stage of the digestive process is disturbed, which makes it difficult for the optimal progress and efficient completion of the second stage.

Avoid drinking water, juice and milk or alcohol during meals

A common habit during meals is to drink water, juice, milk or alcohol. Although this habit is something normal for most people, it represents a direct interference in the digestive processes as cold drinks disrupt the breakdown of food even more.

Water and other beverages should be drunk 30 minutes or more before meals and should be avoided as food will not be digested properly.

This is due to the fact that they dilute the stomach acid and therefore hinder the second stage of digestion. And if we add the sugars contained in juice, milk and alcohol, the breakdown of food is even more impaired.

If you still want to drink something immediately before or during a meal, the most suitable choice is a drink rich in probiotics or enzymes such as ayran or apple cider vinegar and limit yourself to about 100 ml .

Appropriately combine the foods you consume at individual meals

Not only should we observe the types of foods we put in our mouths, but it is also desirable to treat the combination of individual food groups.

Because a simultaneous consumption of inappropriate foods, even healthy ones, may worsen digestion and you may experience extremely unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, gas, nausea or diarrhea.

To avoid getting into a similar situation, adhere to the following rules:

• Eat fruits and sweet foods on their own;
• Consume foods that are a source of animal protein with vegetables that do not contain starch, that is, no potatoes;
• Eat fermented foods at every meal, thus supporting digestion;

If you follow these easy-to-follow rules, you will guarantee a more efficient digestion process without experiencing unpleasant symptoms.

Resist the temptation to overeat

Sometimes we enjoy food too much to stop eating. This is especially true with the upcoming holidays, when we tend to overindulge as all possible dishes and treats are in front of us.

In such a situation, it is important to be restrained and to distribute the meals so as not to overload the digestive system.

It is good to adhere to the following rule – eat until reaching 80% satiety, leaving 20% ​​capacity in the stomach for optimal digestion.

In this way, the digestive system is not overloaded and no undigested food remains, which is a precursor to the development of bacteria, fungi and parasites.

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