
5 characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia

Over 50 million people worldwide suffer from schizophrenia. Early diagnosis of the disease is very difficult because there are no laboratory tests available to make the diagnosis in time.

However, there are quite a few symptoms that are considered closely related to the disease and can serve to detect this disorder in time.

But many of these symptoms can also signal other diseases, for example a dysfunctional thyroid gland, a metabolic disorder and even a brain tumor!

This may account for the delay in making an accurate diagnosis. Studies are currently underway using brain imaging, eye-tracking tests, and more, but there are still relies mainly on standard diagnostic methods.

Here are the five most characteristic and manifested in most of the affected people symptoms of schizophrenia:

1. One of the most typical signs of schizophrenia is that the patient can go through two extremely different mental states in a very short period of time. They can experience, on one hand, hallucinations, racing and delusional thoughts, and the next moment quickly become closed, withdrawn from the world and apathetic.

2. Other symptoms of mental illness are cognitive impairments such as confusion, easy forgetfulness, poor focus, and the inability to follow instructions. These symptoms are quite similar to the symptoms of depression or bipolar disorder.

3. Clinical manifestations of schizophrenia may appear in a person, but at the same time, he may be truly convinced that everything is fine with him. Patients with schizophrenia are paranoid and very often want to protect themselves from the world around them.

4. When making the diagnosis, doctors also look for signs of schizophrenia manifested in facial expressions; these can be different grimaces, unusual eye movements, as well as an inability to respond to or control involuntary movements of the tongue or mouth.

5. Another typical symptom of schizophrenia is sleep disturbance. Doctors also look for symptoms of schizophrenia such as increased awareness of sounds, smells and lights, visible tremors or jerky movements of the limbs, and any strange gestures.

One strong determinant of treatment for schizophrenia is a family history of depression and suicidality.

Schizophrenia often appears in early adulthood and can destroy all chances of a normal life for the patient if left undiagnosed.

As part of the treatment of schizophrenia, patients are prescribed medications such as antipsychotics and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Another important measure in the treatment of schizophrenia is family counseling to provide a favorable and supportive environment for the patient in the hope that the sufferer can return to a completely normal lifestyle.

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